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A LaTeX training course is offered to people affiliated to GERAD, in May or June every year. The course is given in two parts : Introduction and/or deepening.

For more information, contact Karine Hébert.

LaTeX course: an introduction ++

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce students to the use of LaTeX for writing documents (homework, internship report, letter, article, thesis, resume, ...). LaTeX can be scary for beginners, but its advantages and capabilities far outweigh the time spent learning it. By the end of this workshop, students will be able to start their first document, know the possibilities offered by LaTeX, discern the best practices, and know where and how to look for answers to their questions. This introductory workshop goes through the vocabulary, best practices, operations and resources related to this software system for document preparation. We will cover the basic commands of a document and then get to writing maths, making lists, calling cross-references, inserting tables and images. The "image" section will be complete and will not be covered again in the "deepening" course. The workshop requires no prerequisites, and the presentation will be made using Overleaf.It is a user-friendly and collaborative online LaTeX editor.

Introduction++ workshop documentation

LaTeX course: a deepening

The goal of this workshop is to deepen the scope of our knowledge of LaTeX's capabilities for writing documents (assignment, internship report, letter, article, thesis, resume, ...). At the end of this workshop, students will be able to recognize the best practices and commands to improve their document and they will deepen their knowledge of the possibilities offered by LaTeX. Students will also learn tips on how to be more efficient and use the full potential of LaTeX. This workshop will explore the various environments for writing equations (alignment, grouping, long equations, numbering). We will also see the different ways to insert delimiters, distinguish the extensions for composing algorithms and their proper commands (pseudocode, algorithmic, algorithmicx and algorithm2e). Tables will be more complex and will respond to well-defined problems (text too long, automatic column width, table on several pages, text on several columns/rows, table too wide, note under the table, use of color, tables created from an external file or from a converter on the Web...). We will also see how to create a bibliography file and insert citations. The workshop requires to have already used LaTeX or to have followed the introduction to LaTeX workshop. Application examples will be made using Overleaf.It is a user-friendly and collaborative online LaTeX editor.

Deepening workshop documentation

LaTeX for scientific writing

The activity is included in the Communicating OR/MS: The Scientific Writing Activity developed by Professors Cherkesly, Gruson and Quesnels This activity assumes that students know the basics of LaTeX, and the goal is to highlight the main challenges and best practices when using LaTeX for scientific writing. The main elements that will be discussed are:

  • Using commands to help during text-editing
  • Using labels and references
  • Citing in LaTeX
  • Using Overleaf as a tool for multi-author collaboration

LaTeX for scientific writing

LaTeX for scientific writing - exercices