tmux is a very powerful terminal tool that allows creating multiple terminal sessions in a single window, creating panels dividing a terminal session into multiple sections, moving between sessions and panels, and detaching and attach a background terminal session.
In this short tutorial, we'll look at the most commonly used commands in tmux.
To start tmux, just type "tmux"
in the terminal.
Creating Terminal Sessions:
- Ctrl+B then C. This will create a new window in the current session.
Navigate between terminal sessions:
Ctrl+B then N to go to the next session
Ctrl+B then P to go to the previous session.
Creation of panels: To create a panel:
Ctrl+B then % to divide the window into two vertical panels.
Ctrl+B then " to divide the window into two horizontal panels.
Navigation between panels:
Ctrl+B then Left or Right to move between the vertical panels.
Ctrl+B then Up or Down to move between the horizontal panels.
Detaching and attaching a terminal session
To detach a terminal session: Ctrl+B then D. This will detach the terminal session in the background.
To attach a detached terminal session, type
tmux attach
tmux output
- To exit a tmux terminal, type
in the terminal. - To exit tmux completely, use Ctrl+B
tmux commands link: