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Visual studio code

Visual studio code (VSCode) is a lightweight editor developed by Microsoft, offering advanced code editing capabilities, extensions, and customization options.

In a local desktop at GERAD/CIRRELT

In order to use the program in our linux desktops you need to do the following:

module load visualstudio-code

In your personnel computer

You can download the software at then follow the instructions.

ssh remote connexion

Start vscode then add the module Remote - SSH in teh extensions section.

This will allow you to add a remote configuration to our servers, then open and edit all the files in your local account at CIRRELT/GERAD.

In order to configure ssh in vscode, follow these instructions

  • Install the extension"Remote - SSH".
  • Open the View > Command palette or Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows) ou Cmd + Shift + P (Mac) and look foir the command Remote-SSH: Add New SSH Host.
  • Enter the : ssh username@servername Then click Add ssh host.
  • Connect to the remote server uning the command Remote-SSH Connect to Host in View > Command palette

If you want to connect to remote machines using ssh keys, here is some example of ssh config:

  • Generate an ssh keys using the ssh-keygen in your laptop or home computer.
  • Copy the public key (by default it's (par défaut, in the remote server.
  • Add the private key to the ssh agent using the command ssh-add in your terminal.
  • Configure your ssh connexion in VS Code follow the same steps to a standard ssh connexion using the private key in the config parameters.

  • ssh config parameters:

Host [Hostname]      
    HostName [IP_ADDRESS]
    User [USERNAME]
    IdentityFile [PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY]
  • [HOSTNAME] : Name of the remote host.
  • [IP_ADDRESS] : IP address of the remote host.
  • [USERNAME] : Login username.
  • [PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY] : Absolute path to the ssh private key. For example : /home/[USERNAME]/.ssh/id_rsa

Yoiu can connect to the renote host by typing in your terminal :

$ ssh [HOSTNAME]

VS Code uses this ssh config tooo to connect to remoste hosts.
