Photo UQAM © Michel Brunelle
COLUMN GENERATION 2023 will take place in Montréal, Québec, Canada, at UQAM’s School of Management (École des sciences de la gestion de l’Université du Québec à Montréal) located in downtown Montréal. The workshop will start on Tuesday, May 16 in the late afternoon with registration and a welcome reception and will end before dinner on Friday, May 19. It is sponsored by the GERAD research center (through its FRQNT Strategic Cluster grant), UQAM’s School of Management, and IVADO.
Like the successful Column Generation 2008 (Aussois, France), Column Generation 2012 (Bromont, Canada) and Column Generation 2016 (Búzios, Brazil), Column Generation 2023 aims at bringing together researchers from operations research, mathematical programming, and computer science which are active in solving large-scale integer programs via column generation. The workshop reflects the state-of-the-art of theory, applications, and implementation. It is informal in character and meant as a place of active research and exchange. There will be a single track of about 35 presentations.
Participation in Column Generation 2023 is BY INVITATION ONLY.
For more information, please contact cg2023@gerad.ca