Strengthen Decisional Intelligence with the S.O.O.D.E.™ methodology
Jonathan Brassard-Potvin – Founder, SYSTÈME-D inc.
Decisional Intelligence is the ability an individual or group has to recognize, understand and master decision-making in all of its forms and in its entirety. This same decision-making plays a central role in the development and achievement of individuals, who instinctively seek to gain decision-making autonomy. In the context of an organization, whether simple or complex, decision-making plays a key role by involving departments, functions, knowledge, techniques, skills and competencies to bring the organization to a beneficial outcome.
How can we ensure a robust and productive group decision-making in an organizational context while strengthening and developing individual decision-making autonomy?
Through observations and interventions, the firm Système-D dissected the different types of decision-making and developed the S.O.O.D.E.™ methodology. The S.O.O.D.E.™ methodology is a holistic decision-making approach that applies to all types of decision-making. Its use helps to increase the decision-making autonomy of individuals, improve the decision-making robustness of organizations and strengthen Decisional Intelligence.
The method also includes the simple and scalable 5-steps S.O.O.D.E.™ process. Whereas any decision-aiding process is composed of steps involving potentially diverse actors and intermediate decisions, the universal S.O.O.D.E.™ process asks to have the right information in the right sequence. Each of its steps can use proper decision-support techniques or mathematical tools to provide the right knowledge, at the right time, to make informed intermediate and final decisions. This decision-making process provides a reference framework for other processes that may require a decision. Through this presentation, deepen your understanding of challenges related to organizational decision-making and discover the scalable steps of the S.O.O.D.E.™ methodology and its application.
The presentation will be in English and the question period in English and French.
Free entrance.
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André-Aisenstadt Building
Université de Montréal Campus
Montréal QC H3T 1J4