Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 results — page 10 of 19

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We define two classes of lower bounds using either one or two simplices for the minimization of a concave function over a polytope. For each of them, a pro...

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Consider <i>N</i> entities to be classified (e.g., geographical areas), a matrix of dissimilarity between pairs of entities, a graph <i>H</i> with vertices a...

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It is well known that the set of correlated equilibrium distributions of a noncooperative game is a convex polytope that includes all the Nash equilibrium ...

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We explore how a simple linear change of variable affects the inclusion functions obtained with Interval Analysis methods. Univariate and multivariate pol...

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We present an exact algorithm and three applications of nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming. First, we consider the pooling problem fro...

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We develop and analyze parallelization strategies for the Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) meta-heuristic applied to the <i>p</i>-median problem. The stra...

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Albertson (1997) defines the <i>imbalance</i> of an edge (<i>i,j</i>) in <i>E</i> of a graph <i>G</i> = (<i>V,E</i>) as | <i>d<sub>i</sub> - d<sub>j</sub></...

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This paper studies the duality gap in the simple plant location problem, and presents general formulas for the gap when certain complementary slackness cond...

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After a short historic review, we briefly describe a new algorithm for constructive enumeration of polyhex and fusene hydrocarbons. In this process our alg...

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Generalized logical analysis aims at modelling complex biological systems, especially the so-called regulatory systems like genetic networks. The main feat...

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Recently, Araujo and De la Pena (1998) gave bounds for the connectivity index of chemical trees as a function of this index for general trees and the ramifi...

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The pooling problem, which is fundamental to the petroleum industry, describes a situation where products possessing different attribute qualities are mixed...

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We prove that amongst all fullerenes the dodecahedron has maximum smallest eigenvalue (equal to -<img src="G0234-1.gif" align=middle>), followed by the thre...

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The AutoGraphiX (AGX) system determines classes of extremal or near extremal graphs with a Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic. From these, conjectures m...

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A survey is made of computer systems which help to obtain and sometimes provide automatically proofs, conjectures and refutations in graph theory.

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We study various uniform <i>k</i>-partition problems which consist in partitioning <i>m</i> sets, each of cardinality <i>k</i>, into <i>k</i> sets of cardin...

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Let <i>G</i> be a graph and <i>d<sub>v</sub></i> the degree (= number of first neighbors) of its vertex <i>v</i>. The connectivity index of <i>G</i> is <img...

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We survey computers systems which help to obtain and sometimes provide automatically conjectures and refutations in algebraic graph theory.

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In this paper, a fast and complete method to constructively enumerate fusenes and benzenoids is given. It is fast enough to construct several million non is...

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A generalization of the Roy-Gallai theorem on the chromatic number of a graph is derived which is also an extension of several other results of Berge and of...

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