Publications from GERAD

The fruit of our labor

Cahiers du GERAD

Collection of technical reports and working papers, testimony to the strength and productivity of our group.

Scientific Publications

Repository of all the categories of scientific publications produced by our members over the years.


Semi-annual magazine popularizing scientific research carried out by our members and summary of our recent activities.

Recent Cahiers

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G-2025-22 Unboundedness in bilevel optimization
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Bilevel optimization has garnered growing interest over the past decade. However, little attention has been paid to detecting and dealing with unboundedness...

G-2025-21 Bundling or discounting? Field experiments for healthy and unhealthy food
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Retailers routinely face the strategic decision of how to promote their products. Two of the most common promotion strategies are bundling and discounting. D...

G-2025-11 A service-integrated hub-line location problem with demand elasticity and its application to the design of urban mobility hubs

This paper considers the problem of designing urban mobility hubs by modeling them as service-integrated hub-line location problems. We integrate traditional...

G-2025-10 Decomposition strategies for solving the spring sweeping routing problem
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This paper addresses the problem of efficiently routing vehicles for spring sweeping operations in countries that spread sand and gravel on roads in winter. ...

G-2025-09 Partial information and mean field games: The case of linear quadratic stochastic aggregative games with discrete observations
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Mean Field Game equilibria are based on the assumption of instantaneous interactions within a population of interchangeable agents, where each agent's impact...

Recent Scientific Publications

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Backpropagation-based inference for spatial interpolation to estimate the blastability index in an open pit mine
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Generalized likelihood ratio method for stochastic models with uniform random numbers as inputs
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Is the difference between deep hedging and delta hedging a statistical arbitrage?
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Uncertainty in heteroscedastic Bayesian model averaging
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