Spatio-temporal flexibility requirement envelopes for low-carbon power system energy management
François Bouffard – Professeur agrégé, Département de génie électrique et informatique, Université McGill, Canada
The deepening penetration of renewable power generation is challenging how the minute balancing of supply and demand is carried out by power system operators. Several proposals to short-term operational planning rely on robust optimization to offer guarantees on the ability of the operator to meet a wide array of possible scenarios. The main downside of these approaches is their conservative results whose operating costs and/or carbon tally may be sub-economical. Such results come by because these approaches put emphasis often on very low-probability portions of the uncertainty set they consider. Moreover, these rapproaches also often ignore the inherent time and spatial couplings of wind and solar generation variability. In this paper, we seek to reduce the conservativeness of these uncertainty sets by proposing the concept of spatio-temporal flexibility requirement envelopes. We show how it is able to efficiently capture and model the temporal trends and spatial correlation of multisite renewable generation and load. A mathematical program for energy scheduling is also developed using the projections of this envelope. We showcase the use and advantages of spatio-temporal flexibility requirement envelopes and their associated scheduling approach in a microgrid and in a transmission network setting.
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