Distributed decision-making framework for smart grid systems
Hanane Dagdougui
Lien pour le séminaire
Nº de réunion : 974 4378 9070
Code secret : 120777
Today, electricity distribution networks are in the era of transforming from a demand ¬driven to an active asset driven entity, portrayed by expanding measures of decentralized generation units, complete rethinking of the electricity market and an increasing participation of end ¬users in demand response programs. To this end, distribution networks will be evolving from a top-down structure into a bottom-up structure and the role of customers in distribution systems will shift from passive to an active participation. New energy market players such as networked microgrids, active building and electric vehicles aggregators can support the distribution network operator through their local generation, storage and demand flexibility. Despite these advantages, there exist several challenges associated with the intractability of centralized optimization approaches, the heterogeneity of actions and their diverging interests and the uncertainty related to loads and renewable energy sources. In this presentation, we address these limiting features to develop accurate design models and algorithms for energy management of network of energy players that accurately coordinate and distributionally optimize various resources. We also investigate how the hierarchical and peer-to-peer designs of communication network can be modeled following distributed optimization model predictive control, which allow the real-time operation of the network while capturing the uncertainties and achieving the fairness in energy trading mechanisms among various players.

Montréal Québec