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Hub-line location models with elastic demands and their application to the design of urban mobility hubs


26 mars 2025   11h00 — 12h00

Claudio Contardo Professeur agrégé, Département de génie mécanique, industriel et aérospatial, Université Concordia, Canada

Claudio Contardo

Séminaire en format hybride au GERAD local 4488 ou Zoom

In this seminar we consider the design of a hub-line network (as in a subway line, or a bus rapid transit line) under the assumption that demands are endogenous and that react to the presence of nearby stations and services. We will introduce mathematical models and algorithms to address several problem variants, and perform a sensitivity analysis to analyze the impact of several attributes on the topology of the solutions obtained. This seminar summarizes the work of Dr. Brenda Cobena during her PhD in Industrial Engineering at Concordia University. Other collaborators of this work include Dr Iván Contreras, Dr. Luisa Martinez-Merino, and Dr. Antonio Rodriguez-Chia.

Bio: Dr Claudio Contardo is an Associate Professor in Industrial Engineering at Concordia University. In the past he also held positions at UQAM School of Business, and at IBM Canada. He is a full member of CIRRELT and GERAD. His research expertise lies at the intersection of mathematical optimization, logistics management and machine learning. He is the author or co-author of 28 journal articles, and has held funding from public agencies and industry for more than 500,000 CAD.

Marilène Cherkesly responsable


Salle 4488
Pavillon André-Aisenstadt
Campus de l'Université de Montréal
2920, chemin de la Tour
Montréal QC H3T 1J4

Organismes associés

Société canadienne de recherche opérationnelle

Axes de recherche

Application de recherche