Brunilde Sansò


Cahiers du GERAD

123 résultats — page 1 de 7

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This paper addresses the limitations of current satellite payload architectures, which are predominantly hardware-driven and lack the flexibility to adapt to...

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High throughput satellites (HTS), with their digital payload technology, are expected to play a key role as enablers of the upcoming 6G networks. HTS are mai...

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The smooth operation of largely deployed Internet of Things (IoT) applications will depend on, among other things, effective infrastructure failure detectio...

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While one can exploit the storage properties and thus the deferability or anticipation potential of many classes of power system loads (such as thermal loads...

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Networked protection systems use information, communication and computation technologies to collect and process sensor data from spatially distributed sensor...

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Wireless communications can facilitate transfer of synchrophasor data between spatially separated phasor measurement units (PMUs) and phasor data concentrato...

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Electrical distribution network operators require measurements from phasor measurement units (PMUs), micro-PMUs (\(\mu\)PMUs), and smart meters (SMs) in or...

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In this paper we tackle the problem of eNodeB failure detection in LTE networks using Binary Classification techniques under smart-cities Machine-to-Machine ...

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L'étude des réseaux de télécommunications sans-fil pour cellulaire est importante, car ceux-ci consomment beaucoup d'énergie et ont un impact non négligeable...

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This paper proves the concept that it is feasible to accurately recognize specific human mobility shared patterns, based solely on the connection logs betw...

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The paper presents a model for the characterization of M2M traffic and the performance evaluation of LTE access to support M2M communication, embedded into ...

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Network characterization and modelling is an important issue to understand and monitor IP network performance, in particular for real-time multimedia appli...

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When dealing with node or link failures in Software Defined Networking (SDN), the network capability to establish an alternative path depends on controller r...

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Driven by the need of robust, cost-effective, and ready-to-use solutions to connect wirelessly thousands to million of nodes, an increasing number of applica...

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This work presents Visual PeRF-Mesh, a tool that addresses the performance analysis and simulation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) RF-mesh smart...

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Advanced Metering Infrastructures ({AMI}s) lay the foundation of a wide variety of smart grid applications. Despite their low capacity, RF-mesh systems are a...

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When dealing with node or link failures in Software Defined Networking (SDN), the network capability to establish an alternative path depends on controller r...

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This work deals with the performance analysis of a particular type of AMI: the RF-mesh based smart meter network. The system implements a MAC access with a t...

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The widespread proliferation of Internet and wireless applications has produced a significant increase of ICT energy footprint. As a response, in the last fi...

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Advanced meter infrastructures (AMIs) are now widespread and their importance within smart grid systems continues to increase with the advent of new applicat...

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