Denis Larocque
Cahiers du GERAD
La plupart des méthodes d'apprentissage par renforcement pour le contrôle adaptatif de la signalisation routière nécessitent une formation partant de zéro po...
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We consider the multivariate linear model for multilevel data where units are nested within a hierarchy of clusters. We propose permutation procedures to tes...
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We consider the multivariate linear model for multilevel data where units are nested within a hierarchy of clusters. We propose permutation procedures to te...
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We propose a method to build trees and forests when the response is a non-homogeneous Poisson process with excess zeros, based on two forests. The first one...
référence BibTeXL1 splitting rules in survival forests
The log-rank test is commonly used as the split function in many commonly used survival trees and forests algorithms. However, the log-rank test may have a...
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We consider the multivariate linear model for multilevel data where units are nested within a hierarchy of clusters. We propose permutation procedures to tes...
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In this paper, we propose a multivariate random forest method for multiple responses of mixed types with missing responses. Imputation is performed for eac...
référence BibTeXA Review of Survival Trees
This paper presents a non--technical account of the developments in tree--based methods for the analysis of survival data with censoring. This review desc...
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In this paper, we empirically investigate the robustness of random forests for regression problems. We also investigate the performance of five variations o...
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This paper presents an extension of the well known random forest method to the case of clustered data. The proposed "mixed effects random forest" method is i...
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This paper presents the generalized mixed effects regression tree (GMERT) method, an extension of the mixed effects regression tree (MERT) methodology design...
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Discrete-time survival data with time-varying covariates are often encountered in practice. One such example is bankruptcy studies where the status of each f...
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Tree based methods have not yet been adapted to handle mixed effects. Previous works extending them to accommodate correlated data are based on the multivari...
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There has been a wide interest to extend univariate and multivariate nonparametric procedures to clustered and hierarchical data. Traditionally, parametric m...
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This paper estimates a structural vector autoregression model to assess the dynamic effects of terrorism on output and prices in Israel over the post-1985 pe...
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A weighted multivariate signed-rank test is introduced for an analysis of multivariate clustered data. Observations in different clusters may then get diffe...
référence BibTeXMultivariate Mixed Decision Trees
In this paper, we propose a tree-based method for multivariate outcomes consisting in a mixture of categorical and continuous responses. The split function...
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In this paper, we consider the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem with cluster correlated data. A class of weighted Mann-Whitney test statistics are intr...
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Cet article dresse un portrait de l'état de la concurrence fiscale internationale par l'entremise i) de l'étude des taux d'impôt et autres caractéristiques...
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This study examines simultaneously the effect of personal, contextual, and product-related factors on purchasing behaviour of fair-trade products. The resu...
référence BibTeXDiscrete-Time Survival Trees
Tree-based methods are frequently used in studies with censored survival time. Their structure and ease of interpretability make them useful to identify p...
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In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing confidence intervals for a population median when the underlying population is discrete. We describe ...
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In this paper, we consider testing the location parameter with multilevel (or hierarchical) data. A general family of weighted test statistics are introduced...
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A weighted spatial median is proposed for the multivariate location problem with cluster correlated data. Its limiting distribution is derived under mild co...
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Past studies have shown the unstability of unstructured peer-to-peer networks, in particular Gnutella. Because of this unstability, queries in these network...
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Multivariate one-sample location problem for clustered data is considered from a nonparametric viewpoint. We develop the spatial median and its affine equiv...
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We consider the multivariate location problem with cluster correlated data. A family of multivariate weighted sign tests are introduced for which observatio...
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This paper presents and assesses a procedure to estimate conventional parameters characterizing fluctuations at the business cycle frequency, when the econ...
référence BibTeXAsymptotic Efficiencies of the Sign and the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Tests for Cluster Correlated Data
In this paper, we study the Pitman asymptotic efficiencies of the sign and the Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for cluster correlated data. A general expression ...
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In this paper, we adapt the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to the case of cluster correlated data. A simple modification of the estimator of the asymptotic vari...
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In this paper, we perform an empirical comparison of the classification error of several ensemble methods based on classification trees. This comparison is b...
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We consider the problem of testing the hypothesis that a multivariate location vector is in the positive orthant. A conditionally distribution-free sign te...
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A multivariate location model for cluster correlated observations is presented. An affine-invariant multivariate sign test for testing location is proposed...
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The one-sided one sample problem with bivariate data is considered. A conditionally distribution-free sign test is proposed for that problem. This test is ...
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