Georges Zaccour
Cahiers du GERAD
We investigate the impact of information asymmetry regarding the producer of remanufactured products on the decisions of a manufacturer and an authorized r...
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Governments are motivated to subsidize profit-driven firms that manufacture zero-emission vehicles to ensure they become price-competitive. This paper intr...
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In this work, we study a class of two-player deterministic finite-horizon difference games with coupled inequality constraints, where both players have two t...
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We extend the α
and β
characteristic functions (CFs) to
cooperative interval games, which constitute an interesting class of games
Pricing and unauthorized channel strategies for a global manufacturer considering import taxes
Pour couvrir les taxes à l'importation, un fabricant facture généralement un prix plus élevé sur un marché étranger que sur son marché domestique. La différe...
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Nous considérons une entreprise offrant un produit opaque, c'est-à-dire un produit dont les caractéristiques complètes ne sont révélées au consommateur qu'a...
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In this study, we investigate the best remanufacturing strategy for the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and independent remanufacturer (IR) in an innov...
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This paper considers the pricing of a new product in the face of sophisticated consumer behaviors. At the individual level, consumers are forward-looking, wh...
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Une livraison plus rapide, des frais d'expédition réduits et une plus grande probabilité de disponibilité des produits sont certains des avantages offerts pa...
référence BibTeXGreat fish war with moratorium
Nous considérons une version en temps discret du modèle de la guerre des poissons, où un régulateur impose un moratoire sur les activités de pêche lorsque le...
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We review dynamic quality models both in single-agent setup and in a competitive framework. Our objectives are: (1) to give the reader a vantage point on t...
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Product recalls are often consequences of quality failures. While such failures are related to a manufacturer's or supplier's design quality, the perceived q...
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It is a challenge to sustain cooperation in a finite-horizon dynamic game. Since players generally have an incentive to deviate to their noncooperative str...
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L'utilisation de l'espace par les satellites est de plus en plus importante pour les nations, les entreprises et les particuliers. Cependant, depuis l'envoi ...
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Nous étudions une classe de jeux déterministes à horizon fini à deux joueurs à somme non nulle où les joueurs sont dotés de différents types de commandes....
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Pour satisfaire une demande croissante, les pratiques agricoles sont passées de la fertilisation organique des sols à une agriculture intensive et hautement ...
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We study a class of deterministic two-player nonzero-sum differential games where one player uses piecewise-continuous controls to affect the continuously e...
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Nous considérons le problème d'un gouvernement qui souhaite promouvoir le remplacement des vieilles voitures par des neuves via un programme de mise à la cas...
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Dans cet article, nous étudions la question de la cohérence temporelle des accords de coopération dans les jeux dynamiques à utilité non transférable. Un acc...
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Nous représentons une chaîne d'approvisionnement en boucle fermée composée d'un fabricant et d'un détaillant comme un jeu dynamique joué sur un arbre d'évén...
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We consider a deterministic two-player linear-state differential game, where Player 1 uses piecewise continuous controls, while Player 2 implements impulse...
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Dans cet article, nous introduisons une nouvelle approche pour analyser le processus de diffusion de nouveaux produits qui tient compte de l'hétérogénéité de...
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Dans cet article, nous construisons une solution coopérative cohérente dans le temps pour la classe de jeux dynamiques définis sur des arbres d'événements. ...
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Nous déterminons le prix optimal et la quantité commandée de deux produits substituts offerts dans deux marchés, dont l'un est saisonnier avec un potentiel d...
référence BibTeXDynamic marketing policies with online-review-sensitive consumers: A mean-field games approach
On considère un grand groupe de consommateurs qui peuvent choisir entre deux produits substituables à chaque occasion d’achat. Leur choix est influencé pa...
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Dans cet article, on introduit une classe de jeux différentiels à somme non-nulle et à horizon fini où un joueur utilise des variables de commande continues ...
référence BibTeXOptimal dynamic management of a charity
Les organismes caritatifs jouent un rôle important dans la production de biens et services. L'objectif de cet article est de déterminer la politique optimale...
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Nous examinons le problème de la gestion efficace d’une pêcherie où des externalités de pollution sont présentes. Le modèle bionomique de pêche en libre accè...
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Dans cet article, nous étudions le problème du partage de responsabilités dans la récupération de produits usés et son lien avec la conception d’une réglemen...
référence BibTeXEquilibria in a two-species fishery
Dans cet article, nous considérons un modèle de pêcherie à deux espèces qui interagissent biologiquement de façon compétitive, symbiotique ou selon une rela...
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Il est bien connu que les consommateurs stratégiques peuvent nuire aux profits des entreprises en retardant leurs achats pour acheter leurs produits à prix r...
référence BibTeXExploitation of a productive asset in the presence of strategic behavior and pollution externalities
This paper studies the strategic behavior of firms competing in the exploitation of a common-access productive asset, in the presence of pollution external...
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On considère le problème de détermination de politiques optimales de publicité et de prix pour un spectacle. On suppose que les organisateurs désirent que t...
référence BibTeXVehicle scrappage incentives to accelerate the replacement decision of heterogeneous consumers
Les programmes de subvention pour accélérer le remplacement d’une voiture ayant un certain âge ont été très populaires un peu partout dans le monde. Ils ava...
référence BibTeXBrand imitation: A dynamic-game approach
L’imitation d’une marque connue est une pratique courante et peut être légale ou illégale (dans le cas de la contrefaçon). On considère un scénario où une f...
référence BibTeXExistence and uniqueness of optimal dynamic pricing and advertising controls without concavity
On considère un problème dynamique d’optimisation du prix et des dépenses publicitaires où la dynamique de réputation de la marque évolue à la Nerlove-Arrow....
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Cet article analyse l'effet stratégique d'investir en adaptation dans un jeu dynamique de pollution transfrontalière à horizon fini. Nous intégrons l'adaptat...
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La contrefaçon, qui peut être définie comme le fait de copier illégalement des biens de marque, est un phénomène répandu à travers le monde. Si la production...
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Cet article traite de l'investissement en R&D et de contrat de licence dans une chaîne d'approvisionnement formé d'un OEM (original equipment manufacturer) ...
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On propose un mécanisme pour favoriser la récupération et la réutilisation de produits en fin de vie pour diminuer la pollution causée par la production de n...
référence BibTeXStrategic bilateral exchange of a bad
Un produit dont la possession induit une désutilité à son propriétaire est appelé une mauvaise commodité (par exemple des déchets). Cet article s’intéresse ...
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On considère un jeu dynamique représentant un canal de distribution formé d'un manufacturier et d'un détaillant où la demande dépend du prix et de la réputat...
référence BibTeXA survey of applications of viability theory to the sustainable exploitation of renewable resources
Dans cet article, nous passons en revue la littérature appliquant la théorie de viabilité à la gestion durable de ressources renouvelables. Après un bref rap...
référence BibTeXR&D investments in presence of free riders
La littérature en R&D a établi que si le paramètre mesurant le débordement en connaissance est suffisamment élevé, alors les firmes investissent plus en rech...
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On considère un jeu dynamique défini sur un arbre d’évènements avec temps terminal aléatoire. On suppose que les joueurs coopèrent pour maximiser leur gain ...
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Dans cet article, nous analysons un jeu de commerce international où les producteurs peuvent librement exporter, mais sont soumis à une tarification au coût ...
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Nous considérons un jeu dynamique avec un gouvernement corrompu et des organisations civiles comme joueurs. Le jeu est à la Stackelberg et où le gouvernemen...
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The technological developments observed in the last two decades contributed to the digitalization of products and the introduction of devices to consume th...
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On considère un jeu dynamique, linéaire dans l'état qui se déroule sur un arbre d'événements. On détermine analytiquement le prix de l'anarchie, ainsi que d...
référence BibTeXStrategic support of node-consistent cooperative outcomes in dynamic games played over event trees
Dans cet article, nous montrons que les gains coopératifs dans un jeu dynamique défini sur un arbre d'événements peuvent avoir un support stratégique, c'est-...
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Dans cet exposé, on rappelle les éléments importants de la théorie des jeux dynamiques définis sur des arbres d'évènements. Ensuite, on montre comment bâtir...
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Dans cet article, nous montrons les conditions d'efficacité d'un mécanisme financier de type REDD+ (initiative internationale pour la réduction des émissions...
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Dans cet article, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de diffusion dans le contexte de services d'abonnement. L'évolution dans le temps du nombre d'abonnés est ...
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Nous considérons un jeu stochastique joué sur un arbre d'événements, et supposons que les joueurs sont d'accord pour former la grande coalition et maximiser ...
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Dans cet article, on caractérise les équilibres en stratégies incitatives ainsi que leur crédibilité dans deux classes de jeux dynamiques et stochastiques jo...
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On considère dans cet article la classe de jeux non-coopératifs dynamiques linéaire-quadratiques avec des contraintes linéaires. On introduit la structure d...
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Le partage de gâteau est une métaphore très utilisée pour décrire les problèmes où un agent principal doit allouer des ressources de manière juste. De tels p...
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On considère un jeu coopératif à n
joueurs et on utilise la fonction caractéristique δ
pour évaluer la force stratégique de chacune des coal...
Umbrella-branding spillovers
Dans cet article, nous proposons une extension du modèle d'attraction de parts de marché dans un cadre multi-catégories dans le but de considérer l'effet de ...
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Dans cet article, nous introduisons une nouvelle mesure d'équité dans un problème d'allocations, e.g., un problème de partage de gâteaux ou de construction d...
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Nous considérons une chaîne d'approvisionnement fermée composée d'un fabricant et d'un détaillant dans un contexte dynamique. Les joueurs investissent dans ...
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On reconsidère la relation entre le pouvoir de marché et les incitatifs à l'investissement par des firmes. On fait appel à un jeu différentiel avec des firm...
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On considère un jeu dynamique de contrôle de pollution en présence d'incertitude écologique. On caractérise et on compare les stratégies d'équilibres en rétr...
référence BibTeXWhich Business Model for ebook Pricing?
Nous caractérisons les prix d'équilibre dans un circuit de distribution sous deux scénarios. Dans le premier scénario, le producteur choisit le prix de trans...
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In this paper, we suggest a new approach called the <i>return function</i> to deal with the determination of Bayesian-Nash equilibria in games of incomplet...
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Commercial piracy and counterfeiting are widespread phenomena in different businesses, ranging from software and video games to luxury fashion products. Th...
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We consider a class of dynamic games played over an event tree, where the players cooperate to optimize their expected joint payoff. Assuming that the pla...
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This article deals with the general theory of games played over uncontrolled event trees, i.e., games where the transition from one node to another is natu...
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In the literature, the study of price subsidies of new technologies has focused on the tactical problem of achieving maximum penetration under a budget con...
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We compare the use of price-based policies or taxes, and quantity-based policies or quotas, for controlling emissions in a dynamic setup when the regulator...
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In this paper we study a class of N -player finite-horizon linear-quadratic difference games with linear constraints. We introduce a specific information...
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In this paper, we study N -player finite-horizon discrete-time dynamic stochastic games where the uncertainty is described by an event tree. We consider ...
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Why private labels (PLs) enjoy a large market in some countries while hardly penetrating others? What makes a market favourable to PL-product development? A...
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The paper surveys the literature on cooperative advertising in marketing channels (supply chains) using game theoretic methods. During the last decade in p...
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We consider a differential game with a corrupt government and civil society as its players. We characterize open-loop and feedback Nash equilibria and find...
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This paper studies the pricing strategies of firms belonging to a vertical channel structure where optional contingent products are sold. Optional continge...
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In many situations, such as art auctions, privatization of public assets and allocation of television airwaves to wireless carriers, the value of the objec...
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We consider a two-player differential game of international emissions to represent the interactions between two groups of countries, namely, developed and ...
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We model the role of the world's forests as a major carbon sink and consider the impact that forest depletion has on the accumulation of CO<sub>2</sub> in ...
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We consider a two-period closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) game where a remanufacturer appropriates of the returns' residual value and decides whether to exc...
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In this paper, we provide a decomposition over time of Shapley value for dynamic stochastic discrete-time games, where the uncertainty is described by an eve...
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We consider a problem of groundwater management in which a group of farmers overexploits a groundwater stock and causes excessive pollution. A Water Agency...
référence BibTeXCarbon Tariffs and Cooperative Outcomes
In the absence of an international environmental agreement (IEA) on climate change, a country may be reluctant to unilaterally implement environmental acti...
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A game theoretical model featuring a manufacturer and two dealers is proposed to investigate the effects of downstream horizontal integration on network perf...
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We consider a Closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) with a single manufacturer and a single retailer. We characterize and compare the feedback equilibrium resul...
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A significant game-theoretic literature on the coordination of distribution channels has developed over the past three decades. We provide an extensive analy...
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We consider a duopoly competing in quantity, where firms can invest in both innovative and absorptive R&D to reduce their unit production cost, and where t...
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We investigate the dynamic effect that the Tandroy's unsustainable practices have on the forest. The Tandroy people lives in Androy, a region located in th...
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Carbon leakage and competitiveness concerns are some of the main reasons why an international environmental agreement is lacking to fight climate change. M...
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Umbrella branding is a strategy that consists in using the same name to market different products which may, or may not, be related. The purpose of this pape...
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This study proposes a game theoretic approach toward the analysis of renewable portfolio standard policy (RPS), which is one of the main forces behind prom...
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In this paper, we empirically compare open-loop and closed-loop investment strategies in production capacities in the three-player Finnish electricity indust...
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It is seldom the case that one has the opportunity to compare investments as projected by a long-term multi-period model to what is eventually realized in pr...
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We revisit the question of why some participants in online auctions place their bids right before the time of closing. Using e-Bay data for two product cate...
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We consider a two-player asymmetric differential game of pollution control. One player is non-vulnerable to pollution, or unwilling to consider damages when ...
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The paper provides a survey of the literature which utilizes dynamic state-space games to formulate and analyze intertemporal, many-decision maker problems i...
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We consider in this paper a duopoly competing in quantities and where firms can invest in R&D to control their emissions. We distinguish between effort carri...
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The paper revisits the advertising differential game suggested by G. Leitmann and W. E. Schmitendorf in their paper "Profit Maximization Through Advertising...
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We propose a deterministic, discrete-time, finite-horizon oligopoly model to investigate investment and production equilibrium strategies, in a setting where...
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We study a dynamic Cournot game with capacity accumulation under demand uncertainty, in which the investment is perfectly divisible, irreversible, and produc...
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A Public Disclosure Program (PDP) is compared to a traditional environmental regulation (exemplified by a tax/subsidy) in a simple dynamic framework. A PDP a...
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This paper studies sustainability from both an economic and environmental perspective. We concentrate in two separate but interlinked environmental issues: t...
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It is now accepted that climate change is due to the cumulative and joint effect of multiple atmospheric trace constituents. The importance of adopting a com...
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Should manufacturers of durable products such as automobiles and household appliances offer cash rebates to all consumers at the time of purchase, or offer t...
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This study proposes a game theoretic approach to model and analyze the process of utilizing biomass for power generation considering three players; distribut...
référence BibTeXStability of International Environmental Agreements: An Illustration with Asymmetrical Countries
In this paper we use a dynamic model to analyze the composition and stability of international environmental agreements (IEAs) in an asymmetrical framework. ...
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Horizontal cooperation among franchisees is now a well-known reality in franchising, as exemplified by the growing number of franchisee associations and adve...
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We consider a duopolistic industry where the current sales of each firm is proportional to its goodwill stock. The evolution of the latter depends positivel...
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In this paper we develop a model to analyze, in a dynamic framework, how countries join international environmental agreements (IEAs). In the model, where co...
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The aim of this paper is to characterize cooperative and noncooperative advertising strategies of a licensor and licensee involved in a licensing contract ...
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This paper attempts to shed an empirical light on so-called jump bidding in ascending auctions. There is a jump when a participant in an auction outbids t...
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How can a cooperative agreement made at the start of a dynamic game can be sustained over time? Early work has avoided this question by supposing that the...
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<p>The paper determines optimal pricing and advertising policies for an entertainment event, taking into account diffusion effects and a last-minute market...
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Les contributions récentes en économie du tourisme reconnaissent que le marché du tourisme est un marché de concurrence imparfaite qui doit être abordé du po...
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In an Advance Booking Discount Program (ABDP), a firm offers a product at a price discount prior to the selling season. In the selling season the product i...
référence BibTeXFeedback Stackelberg Equilibrium Strategies when the Private Label Competes with the National Brand
We consider a noncooperative differential game where a retailer sells her own private label in addition to the manufacturer’s brand. We assume that each bran...
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The main purpose of this paper is to study the impact of traditional and emergent environmental regulations on firms’ strategies and outcomes. The former co...
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We study in this paper the impact of a Public Disclosure Program(PDP) as well as traditional environmental regulation (tax/subsidy) on optimal policies of t...
référence BibTeXR&D Equilibrium Strategies with Surfers
A typical assumption in the game-theoretic literature on research and development (R&D) is that all firms belonging to the industry under investigation purs...
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In modern transportation systems, the potential for further decreasing the costs of fulfilling customer requests is severely limited while market competitio...
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We characterize in this paper the credibility of linear-incentive equilibrium strategies for the class of linear-quadratic differential games. This class is...
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We consider a marketing channel where a retailer sells, along the manufacturer’s brand, her own private label. We assume that each player invests in adverti...
référence BibTeXDevelopments in Differential Game Theory and Numerical Methods: Economic and Management Applications
This paper argues that the literature applying differential games in economics and management science has aimed to a large extent for analytical results. On...
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We propose a game-theoretic model involving the manufacturer of a national brand and a retailer selling her private label along with the national brand. The...
référence BibTeXAdvertising an Event
<p>The paper considers a problem of how to minimize advertising costs to sell seats for a particular event, for instance, a sports game, a rock concert or a...
référence BibTeXOn Myopia in a Dynamic Marketing Channel
We consider a dynamic marketing channel involving one manufacturer and one retailer. The strategic variables of the former are the wholesale price and the a...
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This paper shows that the important result obtained in a static marketing channel, namely, that the manufacturer can coordinate the channel through a two-pa...
référence BibTeXCompetitive Emailing
<p> We consider an infinite-horizon differential game played by two direct marketers. Each player controls the number of emails sent to potential customers...
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We consider two overlapping generations that want to coordinate their strategies of working, consuming and controlling pollution. As the cooperative solution...
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In this paper, we model a two-period electricity market with interrelated demand, where oligopolistic generators make investments in peak- and base-load capa...
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We propose a game-theoretic model in which one national-brand manufacturer, acting as a leader, maximizes her own profit and one retailer, selling the natio...
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This paper proposes a two-player, finite-horizon differential game model to analyze joint implementation in environmental projects, one of the flexible mech...
référence BibTeXThe Impact of Manufacturers' Wholesale Prices on Retailer's Shelf-Space and Pricing Strategies
The paper examines shelf-space allocation and pricing decisions in the marketing channel as the results of a static game played à la Stackelberg between two...
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In the last two decades, various studies developed static and dynamic game theory models to demonstrate that the efficiency of marketing channels can be rai...
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An infinite-horizon differential game between a manufacturer and a retailer is con- sidered. The players control their marketing efforts and the sales share...
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We characterize in this paper the credibility of incentive equilibrium strategies for the class of linear-state differential games. We derive a general cond...
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Using a two-player differential game approach, this paper deals with the issue of tropical deforestation. The assumption is that developing forestry countri...
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We consider a differential game model for a marketing channel formed by one manufacturer and one retailer. The latter sells the manufacturer's product and ma...
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We study in this paper dynamic equilibrium advertising strategies in a duopoly with asymmetric information structure. The advertising model of Lanchester is...
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We consider a differentiated duopoly where firms invest in research and development (R&D) to reduce their production cost. We show that if the firms pl...
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We consider a game where players face environmental constraints. We derive and compare noncooperative, cooperative and umbrella scenarios. In the latter, the...
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Allocution donnée par le professeur Georges Zaccour à la Société Royale du Canada, le vendredi 23 avril 2004, à HEC Montréal.
référence BibTeXDynamic R&D with Strategic Behavior
We consider a two-player infinite-horizon discrete-time game where the players invest in R&D in order to develop a new technology to reduce production costs....
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We study whether the introduction of a private label could be profitable for retailers and manufacturers. We also investigate if cooperative advertising cou...
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We propose a differential game to study retailer’s allocation strategy of shelf-space shares between the manufacturers of two competing brands. Each manufact...
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This paper proposes a two-player, finite-horizon differential game model to analyze joint implementation in environmental projects, one of the flexible mecha...
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The paper addresses the problem of determining a retailer's optimal price promotions of two brands in a product category. A dynamic model is constructed, tak...
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This paper deals with time-consistency and agreeability, two dynamic individual rationality concepts, in special linear-quadratic differential games. Condi...
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We propose a numerical approach to compute stationary Markov perfect Nash equilibrium advertising strategies of Lanchester model. The algorithm can be implem...
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Using an inifinite-horizon two-player differential game, we derive and compare Bertrand and Cournot equilibria, for a differentiated duopoly engaging in proc...
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The objective of this paper is to provide a game-theoretic interpretation of joint implementation in environmental projects. We consider a two-player game an...
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This paper deals with the issue of deforestation, one of the main global environmental problems. We consider two players having different utilities for fores...
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We examine whether cooperative advertising programs could constitute an effective tool to coordinate competitive marketing channels. While previous studies s...
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The paper analyzes a differential game model of a two-member marketing channel. A manufacturer invests in national advertising with the purpose of improving ...
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The paper identifies conditions under which time-consistency and agreeability, two intertemporal individual rationality concepts, can be verified in linear-s...
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We investigate the effects of retailer's myopic behavior on channel members strategies and on sales in a single-manufacturer single-retailer distribution ne...
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The paper identifies optimal dynamic marketing strategies in a channel of distribution. A number of (identical) retailers promote locally a manufacturer's b...
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This note addresses the issue of computation of the characteristic function values in a <i>n</i>-player linear-state cooperative differential game. One sho...
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The paper considers a channel of distribution consisting of a single manufacturer and retailer. The manufacturer advertises in national media, to build up t...
référence BibTeXCharacteristic Functions, Coalitions Stability and Free-riding in a Game of Pollution Control
We consider a set of countries that wish to sign an international agreement to control pollution. The problem is studied from the perspective of cooperativ...
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This paper exposes in voluntarily simple terms the concept of <i>S</i>-adapted equilibrium introduced to represent and compute economic equilibria on stocha...
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This paper addresses the problem whether a cooperative agreement, made at the start of a game, can be sustained over time. The players can reopen negotiatio...
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This paper examines dynamic advertising and promotion strategies in a marketing channel where the retailer promotes the manufacturer's product, and the manu...
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The paper deals with the problem of sustaining over time a coordinated outcome in a two-member channel of distribution. In a dynamic game of pricing and ad...
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The paper identifies the strategic effects of learning-by-doing in presence of unintended spillovers of production experience. In a two-stage game an incum...
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This note determines a rule to share a surplus gained when two countries or regions agree to coordinate their policies to reduce downstream pollution. An in...
référence BibTeXIncentive Equilibrium Strategies and Welfare Allocation in a Dynamic Game of Pollution Control
The paper considers two neighboring countries wishing to make a joint effort to control pollution emission. We use a differential game model that includes ...
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This paper aims to provide an answer to the still open question, namely who should, if any, lead a marketing channel? To achieve this objective, we conside...
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We consider an asymmetric duopoly producing a homogeneous commodity and facing a competitive demand. Our model incorporates two asymmetries. The first one i...
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We study the problem of allocation over time of total cost incurred by countries in a cooperative game of pollution reduction. We compute the characteristi...
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The paper is concerned with conflict and coordination in a two-member channel of distribution. We propose a differential game model that includes carry-ove...
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We consider a monopolist firm that plans its production, inventory, and pricing policy over a fixed and finite horizon. The problem is represented by an opt...
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The paper deals with a problem of determining optimal advertising expenditures in a two-member channel of distribution in which the manufacturer invests in ...
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We consider a managerial economics problem of controlling pollution caused by decentralised agents. We build a mathematical model for a local government ai...
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An econometric model is developed and used to estimate price promotion effects on sales for the yogourt category in a Quebec market. More specifically, the...
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The paper is concerned with sustainable cooperation in a vertical two-member channel of distribution over an infinite planning horizon. Sustainable intertem...
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A government wishes to accelerate the adoption of a new technology in order to gradually replace an older one. The new technology is manufactured by a mono...
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A multistage supergame model for the management of a downstream pollution dispute between two neighouring regions is constructed. An important feature of th...
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This paper is concerned with the problem of the management of pollution by a local government which aims at the achievement of certain environmental standa...
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The objective of this paper is to study optimal pricing strategies in a duopoly, under an asymmetric information structure, where the appropriate solution c...
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We consider the problem of defining a fair sharing of the total advantages gained by two regions (players) which decide to coordinate their environmental po...
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We consider a price setting duopoly producing differentiated goods, where the players can learn by doing and from each other. The unit production cost is mo...
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This paper deals with the modeling of economy-environment interactions for several countries which are assumed to behave competitively for the control of th...
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We consider a differential game model to investigate the effects of price subsidy over time on the rate of diffusion of a new technology. We assume that the...
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This paper presents the first experiments undertaken with a stochastic programming model of gas contract portfolio management. This model is intended to be ...
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This paper deals with a stochastic programming model which complements long range market simulation models such as those currently developed by several gas ...
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A notion of Nash equilibrium, called event-adapted equilibrium, is defined for non-cooperative, multi-stage games where uncertainty is gradually resolved. ...
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L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser les facteurs de succès et d'échec de nouveaux produits de consommation et industriels. Les résultats des analyses d...
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This paper presents a stochastic dynamic cooperative game model of power exchange between interconnected utilities. The model is used for the qualitative a...
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This paper addresses the question of determining an optimal mix of gas contracts for a producer supplying the North American gas market. We first propose a ...
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The aim of this paper is the characterization and the computation of equilibrium solutions in multistage games represented by networks. More specifically, w...
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This paper deals with efficient computation of a certain type of Nash-Cournot equilibria in multi-stage oligopolies. The generic structure analyzed herein r...
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We consider an oligopolistic industry extracting a non-renewable resource sold in a competitive market. We show, first, that if all players, but one, have i...
référence BibTeXThéorie des jeux et marchés énergétiques: marché européen du gaz naturel et échanges d'électricité
Nous analysons dans cette thèse le marché européen du gaz naturel et les échanges d'électricité entre réseaux interconnectés dans le cadre de la théorie des ...
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This note deals with the concept of stochastic equilibrium-programming <i>SEP</i> which has recently been proposed for the modeling of imperfect competition ...
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A model is presented for looking at the main characteristics of long term gas contracts. The problem is formulated as a dynamic stochastic multimarket model...
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A qualitative model is proposed by the economic analysis of the power exchange between two utilities. The model combines an infinite horizon optimal control...
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Dans cet article nous procédons à une segmentation des marchés internationaux. Afin d'éliminer la redondance dans les 27 indicateurs socio-économiques consi...
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