Hatem Ben Amor
Cahiers du GERAD
A primal adjacency-based algorithm for the shortest path problem with resource constraints
The shortest path problem with resource constraints (SPPRC) is often used as a subproblem within a column generation approach for routing and scheduling prob...
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Column generation algorithms are instrumental in many areas of applied optimization, where linear programs with an enormous number of columns need to be so...
référence BibTeXStabilized Column Generation for Highly Degenerate Multiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problems
Column generation has proven to be efficient in solving the linear programming relaxation of large scale instances of the Multiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling ...
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Column generation is one of the most successful approaches for solving large scale linear programming problems. However, degeneracy difficulties and long-ta...
référence BibTeXStabilization in Column Generation
Column Generation (CG) algorithms are instrumental in many areas of applied optimization, where Linear Programs with an enormous number of columns need to ...
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We describe an approach that computes an optimal primal basic solution given an optimal vector of dual multipliers. It consists in restricting the dual prob...
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This paper proposes a generalization of the proximal point algorithm using both penalty and trust region concepts. Finite convergence is established while as...
référence BibTeXCutting Stock Problems
Linear relaxations are solved by column generation. Stabilization techniques such as dual-optimal inequalities and stabilized column generation algorithms t...
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