Michael Kokkolaras Retour Activités 2 avr. 202510h00 — 11h00 Séminaire du GERAD Nathalie Bartoli Bayesian optimization applied to constrained black-box problems for different aeronautical applications 5 nov. 202410h00 — 11h00 Séminaire du GERAD Yi Ren Two-player zero-sum differential games with one-sided information and state constraints, aka Football 12 déc. 202310h00 — 11h00 Séminaire du GERAD Wei Chen Data-Driven Computational Design of Engineered Material Systems 23 mars 202211h00 — 12h00 Séminaire “Un(e) chercheur(-euse) du GERAD vous parle!” Khalil Al Handawi Optimization of Stochastic Epidemiological Models for Disease Control and Prediction 16 déc. 202015h00 — 16h00 Séminaire “Un(e) chercheur(-euse) du GERAD vous parle!” Michael Kokkolaras Optimization methods for supporting engineering design decisions when dealing with changing requirements