Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 14 de 19


Finding extremal graphs for expressions involving one or more invariants is viewed as a problem of combinatorial optimization. The recent Variable Neighborh...

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We study the set of lower bounds which have been proposed for the numbering of a complete graph. We first show that the computation of most of them can be ...

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Good heuristic solutions for large Multisource Weber problems can be obtained by solving related <i>p</i>-median problems in which potential locations of th...

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Systematic change of neighborhood within a local search algorithm yields a simple and effective metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization. We present a ...

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The multisource Weber problem is to locate simultaneously <i>m</i> facilities in the Euclidean plane in order to minimize the total transportation cost for ...

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A hypergraph <i>H=(X,E)</i> is <i>nested</i> if its edges are pairwise disjoint or included one into the other. The <i>nesticity</i> of <i>H</i> is defined...

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Given a set of entities, Cluster Analysis aims at finding subsets, called clusters, which are homogeneous and/or well separated. As many types of clusterin...

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La méthode de génération de colonnes est couramment utilisée pour résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation de grande taille. En pratique, on observe fréquemmen...

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We study both the continuous and discrete problems of maximizing the product of two linear functions subject to all variables being between 0 and~1. We fir...

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It is shown that the anytime deduction procedure for probabilistic entailment of Frisch and Haddawy does not have the correctness property when the probabil...

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Clustering with a criterion which minimizes the sum of squared distances to cluster centroids is usually done in a heuristic way. An exact polynomial algori...

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Two new path problems in graphs are studied: MINRANGE, i.e., find a path from a vertex <i>s</i> to a vertex <i>t</i> with the smallest possible range of a...

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Two new algorithms are proposed for the problem of positioning a new product in attribute space in order to attract the maximum number of consumers. Each c...

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A review is made of models and algorithms for probabilistic satisfiability and its extensions. The basic probabilistic satisfiability problem, in decision f...

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Extension of input-output functions for generating units allows simultaneous solution of the static unit commitment and economic dispatch problems by dynami...

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Zone pricing consists in determining simultaneously several delivered prices together with the zones where they are applied. A model and algorithm are prop...

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The column generation approach to large-scale linear programming is extended to the mixed-integer case. Two general algorithms, a dual and a primal one, are...

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We give lower and upper bounds for the number of reducible ears as well as upper bounds for the number of perfect matchings in an elementary bipartite graph...

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The maxmin problem models a game sequentially played by two players having opposite objective. Before making his move, the first player must anticipate the...

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A mixed graph <i>G<sub><img src="theta.gif"></sub></i> contains both undirected edges and directed arcs. A <i>k</i>-coloring of <i>G<sub><img src="theta.g...

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