Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 15 de 19

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D.-c. programming is a recent technique of global optimization, which allows the solution of problems whose objective function and constraints can be expres...

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We study links between the bilevel linear and linear mixed 0-1 programming problems. A new reformulation of the linear mixed 0-1 programming problem into a...

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The <i>p</i>-maxisum dispersion problem consists of locating <i>p</i> facilities at vertices of a network in order to maximize the sum of the distances betw...

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A new location-allocation problem, called <i>p</i>-Center-Sum, is considered: given <i>n</i> clients (or demand points) locate <i>p</i> facilities among a g...

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Splitting a tree is defined as removing all edges of a chain and disconnecting one from the other edges incident with that chain. Splitting a forest is simu...

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Weber's problem is to locate a facility in order to minimize the sum of its weighted distances to <i>n</i> fixed demand points. On a sphere, this problem i...

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Cluster Analysis is at the crossroad of many disciplines, and has numerous and diverse methods and applications. Mathematical Programming (together with gra...

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Consider an assignment problem in which persons are qualified for some but usually not all of the jobs. Moreover, assume persons belong to given seniority c...

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Global optimization methods aim at finding the global optimum of a nonlinear and nonconvex function subject to nonlinear and nonconvex constraints. The main...

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An overview is given, with new results, of mathematical models and algorithms for probabilistic logic, probabilistic entailment and various extensions. Anal...

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Cylindrical aromatic compounds - fullerenes and hydrocarbons - are about to become highly interesting objects of chemical research. A tubulene (tubular ben...

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Given a set of logical sentences together with probabilities that these sentences are true, the probabilistic satisfiability (PSAT) problem consists, in it...

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A count of Kekulé structures for all 1812 distinct fullerene isomers of C<sub>60</sub> shows that 20 isomers surpass the count of 12500 for icosahedral C<su...

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A new paradigm for cluster analysis is outlined. It is called Sequential Clustering. Given a set <i>O</i> of <i>N</i> entities a best cluster of <i>K</i> ...

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It is shown that the degree of freedom of a Kekulé structure <i>K</i> of a cata-condensed benzenoid hydrocarbon <i>H</i> is equal to the number of maximum d...

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Le problème de la satisfaisabilité probabiliste (PSAT) consiste à déterminer, étant donné les probabilités de <i>m</i> événements (ou propositions logiques...

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The boundary-edges code for a benzenoid <i>H</i> is defined as the lexicographically maximum code obtained travelling around the boundary of <i>H</i> and no...

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An <i>O</i> (<i>mn</i> log <i>n</i>) labeling algorithm is proposed for minimum sum of diameters bipartitioning of the vertex set of a weighted graph (with ...

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Consider a set of logical sentences together with probabilities that they are true. These probabilities must satisfy certain conditions for this system to b...

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The product positioning problem consists in choosing the attributes of a new product in such a way as to maximize its market share, i.e., to attract a maxi...

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