Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 16 de 19


Lipschitz optimization solves global optimization problems in which the objective function and constraint left-hand sides may be given by oracles (or explic...

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Much work has been devoted to the problem of finding maximum likelihood estimators for the three-parameter Weibull distribution. This problem has not been c...

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The Edmonds Matching Algorithm, which leads easily to finding a Kekulé structure in a chemical graph, is recalled. An extension is made to the case where on...

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The minimum sum-of-stars (or <i>p</i>-median, or <i>p</i>-medianoïd) clustering problem consists in partitioning a given set of entities into <i>P</i> clust...

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Three main mathematical programming approaches have been followed to design exact algorithms for partitioning problems in cluster analysis, cutting-planes, ...

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Dendrograms are widely used to represent graphically the clusters and partitions obtained with hierarchical clustering schemes. Espaliers are generalized de...

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We propose a new coding algorithm (called NTUPLE) for computing the N-tuple code (due to Knop et al.) for chemical trees. The algorithm NTUPLE has a ti...

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A linear algorithm is proposed for a particular case of the satisfiability problem which strictly includes nested satisfiability. Recognition of this case c...

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Consider a polyhex <i>H</i> which admits a perfect matching <i>M</i>. Harary, Klein and Zivkovic define the perfect matching vector of <i>M</i> as <img src...

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In a normal benzenoid hydrocarbon <i>H</i> no bonds are fixed, i.e. each bond belongs to some perfect matching or Kekulé structure of <i>H</i>. Fixing one o...

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We recently proposed to model location and sizing of offshore platforms for oil exploration and production as a multicapacitated plant location problem. We...

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Consider a set <i>O</i> of <i>N</i> entities and a matrix <i>D</i> = (<i>d<sub>k <img src="ell.gif"></sub></i>) of dissimilarities between pairs of entities...

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Let <i>H</i> denote a simply-connected cata-condensed polyhex. It is shown that if <i>H</i> has three hexagons in a row it does not have a maximum number of...

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In a previous paper, a global optimization algorithm, called MLEW, is provided for finding Maximum Likelihood Estimators for the three-parameter Weibull dis...

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We consider nonlinear programs in 0-1 variables with nonlinear constraints and survey the main approaches to their solution: (i) linearization; (ii) algebra...

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A benzenoid system <i>H</i> is a finite connected subgraph of the infinite hexagonal lattice without cut bonds and non-hexagonal interior faces. The branchi...

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Let <i>N =</i> (<i>V,E</i>) be an undirected network with <i>n</i> vertices and <i>m</i> edges (i.e., |<i>V</i>| = <i>n</i> and |<i>E</i>| = <i>m</i>) in w...

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An exact algorithm is proposed for average-linkage divisive hierarchical clustering, i.e., at each level of the hierarchy a cluster is bipartitioned in such...

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It is shown that the Clar number of a benzenoid hydrocarbon <i>H</i> (defined as the number of circles in a Clar formula, or equivalently as the maximum num...

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A proof is given that any normal benzenoid system with <i>h &gt</i> 1 hexagons has two hexagons the removal of each of which results in a normal benzenoid s...

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