Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 17 de 19


We consider graphs <i>G = </i>(<i>V, E</i>) with order <i>p</i> = |<i>V</i>|, size <i>e</i> = |<i>E</i>| and stability number <i><img src="beta.gif" align=m...

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Five recent practically efficient methods for solving the maximum clique problem are briefly described and compared on randomly generated graphs. A Fortran ...

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We show that certain reasonable axioms for an optimal solution to the problem of locating a facility on a network, i.e., axioms of distance determination, P...

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Many properties of benzenoid hydrocarbons can be explained in terms of their maximum number of mutually resonant hexagons. It is shown that this number can ...

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It is shown that any vertex which is simplicial in the complementary graph of a given graph belongs to at least one maximum clique of that graph. This prope...

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Consider a benzenoid system with fixed bonds and the subgraph obtained by deleting fixed double bonds together with their end vertices and fixed single bond...

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The off-line vertex enumeration problem for polytopes consists in determining all vertices of a given polytope <i>P</i>. The on-line vertex enumeration prob...

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A recent global optimization algorithm using decomposition (GOP), due to Floudas and Visweswaran, when specialized to the case of polynomial functions is sh...

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A method to compute various upper bounds for the Clar number (defined as the number of circles in a Clar formula) of a benzenoid hydrocarbon is given. Based...

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Weber's problem consists in locating a facility in the plane in such a way that the weighted sum of Euclidean distances to <i>n</i> given points be minimum....

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A hexagonal system is a connected plane graph without cut vertices in which each interior face is a regular hexagon. A linear algorithm is proposed to find ...

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A necessary and sufficient condition is given for the Clar graph and the inner dual of a benzenoid system to be equal. It is shown that <i>k &gt</i> 2 hexag...

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A branch-and-bound algorithm is proposed for global minimization of indefinite quadratic functions subject to box constraints. Branching is done according ...

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Interval arithmetic and Taylor's formula can be used to bound the slope of the cord of a univariate function at a given point. Such bounds for the function,...

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A new heuristic algorithm, based on the Tabu Search methodology, is proposed for constrained redundancy optimization in series and in complex systems. It h...

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Konno and Inori (1989) have recently proposed two flexible models for bond portfolio optimization, together with heuristics to solve them. It is shown that ...

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A hexagonal system is a connected plane graph without cut vertices in which each interior face is a regular hexagon. A linear algorithm is proposed to find ...

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We present a new class of change in risk, which includes several previous ones (price squeeze, strong increase in risk of Meyer and Ormiston) and leads to u...

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La programmation linéaire généralisée peut être étendue au cas des programmes mixtes en utilisant seulement l'algorithme primal révisé du simplexe en variab...

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Indefinite quadratic programs with quadratic constraints can be reduced to bilinear programs with bilinear constraints by duplication of variables. Such red...

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