Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 18 de 19

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A new branch-and-bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming is proposed. Necessary optimality conditions expressed in terms of tightness of the follow...

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A bounded vertex coloring of a graph <i>G</i> is a usual vertex coloring in which each color is used at most <i>k</i> times (where <i>k</i> is a given numbe...

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It is proved that for any hexagonal system, there is a peak and a valley which are border adjacent (the path from the peak to the valley along the border is...

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A graph is said to be slightly hard to color for a given vertex-coloring heuristic if some implementation of the algorithm uses more colors than are necessa...

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The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we revisit the cent-dian location problem developed by Halpern, considering both the average and maximum distan...

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We propose an algorithm to compute the optimum departure time and path for a commuter in a congested network. Constant costs for use of arc, cost functions ...

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Nilsson recently introduced a rigorous semantic generalization of logic in which the truth values of sentences are probability values. This led to state pre...

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The problem of optimal location and sizing of off-shore platforms for oil exploration can be formulated as follows: given a set of oil wells to be drilled a...

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Timonov proposes an algorithm for global maximization of univariate Lipschitz functions in which successive evaluation points are chosen in order to ensure ...

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Divisive hierarchical clustering algorithms with the diametercriterion proceed by recursively selecting the cluster with largest diameter and partitioning i...

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We study the complexity and propose an algorithm for the problem of determining, given <i>p</i> vectors of {-1, 1}<i><sup>n</sup></i>, all linear combinatio...

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Consider <i>N</i> entities to be classified, with given weights, and a matrix of dissimilarities between pairs of them. The split of a cluster is the small...

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Unconstrained hyperbolic 0-1 programming can be solved in linear time when the numerator and the denominator are linear and the latter is always positive. I...

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Several authors have proposed to estimate Lipschitz constants in global optimization by a multiple of the largest slope (in absolute value) between successi...

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An "intelligent front-end" or "logic assistant" is an interactive program devised to assist the users of an information retrieval system in the formulation ...

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We propose a new algorithm to solve the on-line vertex enumeration problem for polytopes, doing all computations in <i>n</i>-space, where <i>n</i> is the di...

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We consider the following global optimization problems for a Lipschitz function <i>f</i> implicitly defined on an interval [<i>a,b</i>]. Problem <i>P'</i>:...

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We consider the following global optimization problems for a univariate Lipschitz function <i>f</i> defined on an interval [<i>a,b</i>]: Problem <i>P</i>: f...

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FORTRAN code of an efficient implementation of a <img src="Theta.gif" align=bottom> (<i>N</i><sub>2</sub>) algorithm for the maximum sum-of-splits clusterin...

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Global optimization problems with a few variables and constraints arise in numerous applications but are seldom solved exactly. Most often only a local opti...

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