Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 8 de 19

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Consider a convex polygon <i>V<sub>n</sub></i> with <i>n</i> sides, perimeter <i>P<sub>n</sub></i>, diameter <i>D<sub>n</sub></i>, area <i>A<sub>n</sub></i>,...

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Quel octogone de diamère unité (ou petit octogone) possède la plus grande surface ou le plus grand périmètre? Serait-ce l'octogone régulier? Eh! non, il n'en...

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A conjecture of Delorme, Favaron and Rautenbach [DM 257 (2002) 29-38] about the Randic index of a graph, in relation to its order and minimum degree, is ref...

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<p>Le système <i>AutoGraphiX (AGX1 et AGX2)</i> permet, parmi d’autres fonctions, la génération automatique de conjectures en théorie des graphes. Nous étud...

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<p>Using the <i>AutoGraphiX 2</i> system, a systematic study is made on generation and proof of relations of the form</p> <center> $\underline{b}_n \leq ...

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We consider two (0,1)-linear programming formulations of the graph (vertex-) coloring problem, in which variables are associated to stable sets of the input...

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<i>L</i><sub>1</sub> norm discrimination consists in finding the hyperplane that minimizes the sum of <i>L</i><sub>1</sub> norm distances between the hyperp...

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The convex octagon with unit diameter and maximum perimeter is determined. This answers an open question dating from 1922. The proof uses geometric reasonin...

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A survey is made of the AutoGraphiX (AGX) research program for computer as- sisted and, for some functions, automated graph theory.

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Usual graph classes, such as complete graphs, paths, cycles and stars, frequently appear as extremal graphs in graph theory problems. Here we want to turn t...

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The <i>p</i>-median problem is one of the basic models in discrete location theory. As with most location problems, it is classified as NP-hard, and so, heu...

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The variable neighborhood search metaheuristic is applied to the primal simple plant location problem and to a reduced dual obtained by exploiting the compl...

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This paper examines the plant location problem under the objective of maximizing return-on-investment. However, in place of the standard assumption that all...

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Several upper bounds on the largest Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph <i>G</i>, in terms of degree and average degree of neighbors of its vertices, have been ...

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The AutoGraphiX (AGX) system for computer assisted or, for some of its functions, fully automated graph theory was developed at GERAD, Montreal since 1997. ...

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The continuous location-allocation problem requires finding sites for <i>m</i> new facilities in the plane in order to serve <i>n</i> users such that the to...

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Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) is a recent and effective metaheuristic for solving combinatorial and global optimization problems. It is capable of esca...

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Les problèmes de chargement statique de groupes turbo-alternateurs à vapeur peuvent être exprimés sous forme de minimisation d’une somme de fonction de coût ...

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Dynamic programming is applied to the economic dispatch problem with spin- ning reserve constraint. A first algorithm, based on a direct application of Bell...

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The global <i>k</i>-means heuristic is a recently proposed (Likas et al. 2003) incremental approach for minimum sum-of-squares clustering of a set <i>X</i> ...

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