Publications scientifiques

6096 résultats — page 604 de 610

Exact solution of the generalized routing problem through graph-transformations
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(8), 906–910, 2003 référence BibTeX
Technology progress and technology acquisition: Strategic decision under uncertainty
, et
Production and Operations Management, 12(1), 102–119, 2003 référence BibTeX
Approximating american option prices in the garch framework
, , et
Journal of Futures Markets, 23(10), 915–929, 2003 référence BibTeX
Avenues for more effectively incorporating environmental considerations into road infrastructure planning in Niger
Revue africaine de gestion et d'évaluation environnementales, 5, 66–75, 2003 référence BibTeX
Combined generators with components from different families
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 62, 395–404, 2003 référence BibTeX
Incorporating different endogenous learning formulations in MERGE
International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 19, 333–358, 2003 référence BibTeX
Application des métaheuristiques à la coloration des sommets d'un graphe
Résolution de problèmes de RO par les métaheuristiques, 1, Hermes Science Publication, Paris, 21–48, 2003 référence BibTeX
Computational science and its applications
, , et
volumes 2667-2669 (3 livres), ICCSA 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volumes 2667-2669 (3 livres, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2667–2669, 2003 référence BibTeX
Customer lead time management when both price and demand are lead time dependent
European Journal of Operational Research, 153(3), 769–781, 2003 référence BibTeX
Robust-tests for independence of 2 time-series
Statistica Sinica, 13(3), 827–852, 2003 référence BibTeX