Énergie, environnement, ressources naturelles
RetourCahiers du GERAD
347 résultats — page 1 de 18
Le projet vise à développer un logiciel interactif pour optimiser la gestion des charges électriques résidentielles.
Objectifs : -Réduire le gaspillage é...
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Avec la demande croissante en énergie et l’intégration des sources d’énergie renouvelable, les réseaux électriques font face à d’importants défis opérationne...
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Under pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the global passenger car market is currently experiencing a shift from vehicles powered by internal combus...
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This study explores wireless power transfer (WPT) systems for public electric vehicle charging, focusing on optimising the transmitter design to enhance inte...
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The research project, conducted in collaboration with Hydro-Québec, aims to create a control interface that links real-time electrical grid simulations to re...
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Effective waste rock management is a crucial aspect of long-term planning of industrial mining complexes. When waste management is not considered during the ...
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In mining complexes or mineral value chains, materials flow from extraction sites (mines) through crushers, stockpiles, waste dump and tailings, and processi...
référence BibTeXMetaheuristics and hyperheuristics for large-scale optimization of mining complexes (Poster)
An industrial mining complex is an integrated value chain includes the excavation, transportation, processing, and distribution of mineral products as well a...
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Le 4 févriere 2025 a eu lieu la 5e édition de la journée des étudiant(e)s du GERAD, sous le thème de la transition énergétique. Le but de cet événement était...
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The water pump scheduling problem is an optimisation model that determines which water pumps will be turned on or off at each time period over a given time h...
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Mean Field Game equilibria are based on the assumption of instantaneous interactions within a population of interchangeable agents, where each agent's impact...
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A three-region optimal economic growth model is proposed to represent the global energy transition to net-zero emissions when carbon dioxide removal (CDR) te...
référence BibTeXMERCURY: A fast and versatile multi-resolution based global emulator of compound climate hazards
High-impact climate damages are often driven by compounding climate conditions. For example, elevated heat stress conditions can arise from a combination of ...
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Le Quatorzième atelier de résolution de problèmes industriels de Montréal, qui eut lieu du 13 au 17 mai 2024, fut organisé conjointement par le Centre de rec...
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This paper addresses the difficulties mining companies face in planning their digital transformation. Based on the literature on project portfolio manageme...
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Cet article traite du problème intégré d'affectation et de coordination des foreuses électri-ques dans les mines à ciel ouvert, combinant l'attribution des m...
référence BibTeXOn the clique decomposition impact to the optimal power flow semidefinite relaxation solve time
Pour les réseaux à forte pénétration des renouvelables, la gestion de la génération intermittente est un défi opérationnel majeur. Des techniques d'optimisat...
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Hydrogen is emerging as a crucial energy source in the global effort to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and meet climate goals. Integrating hydrogen into I...
référence BibTeXScheduling of drilling machines in open-pit mines: Stochastic and non-probabilistic CP approaches
Cet article traite de la planification des foreuses électriques dans les mines à ciel ouvert, proposant trois formulations de programmation par contraintes p...
référence BibTeXBranch-and-Price
Integer (linear) programs are a standard way of formalizing a vast array of optimization problems in industry, services, management, science, and technology....
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