
Session MA4 - Gestion des opérations portuaires / Maritime terminal management
Day |
Monday, May 05, 2003 |
Room |
Hélène-Desmarais |
President |
Jean-François Cordeau |
10:30 |
Relocating Blocks for Minimizing the Total Number of Relocations |
Kap Hwan Kim, Pusan National University, Industrial Engineering, Changjeon-dong, Kumjeong-ku, Busan, Korea, 609-735
Gyu-Pyo Hong, Pusan National University, Industrial Engineering, Changjeon-dong, Kumjeong-ku, Busan, Korea, 609-735
In case of block stacking systems, one of the most important objectives of the storage and retrieval operations is to minimize the number of relocations during the retrieval operation. This study suggests two methods for determining locations of relocated blocks. First, a branch-and-bound (B&B) algorithm is suggested. Next, a decision rule is proposed by using an estimator of the expected number of additional relocations for a stack. The performance of the decision rule was compared with that of the B & B algorithm. The comparison was performed by using a container yard, a typical example of storage system of the block stack.
10:55 |
Solving Berth Allocation at the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal |
Luigi Moccia, Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemi, Via Pietro Bucci, Cubo 41C, 87036 Rende, CS, Italy
Jean-François Cordeau, HEC Montréal, GERAD et Gestion des opérations et de la production, 3000, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3T 2A7
Gilbert Laporte, HEC Montréal, GERAD, C.R.T. et Chaire de recherche du Canada en distributique, 3000, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3T 2A7
Pasquale Legato, Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemi, Via Pietro Bucci, Cubo 41C, 87036 Rende, CS, Italy
The port of Gioia Tauro located in Southern Italy is the largest transshipment port in the Mediterranean Sea. It is mainly devoted to transhipment activity involving mother vessels and feeders. The berth allocation problem consists of assigning incoming ships to berths for container handling, loading, and unloading operations. The processing time of the ship is not the same for every berthing point. In fact it varies with the distance from this point to the pick-up/delivery area of container storage in the yard.
The management of berth allocation is made up of
two interrelated decisions:
the assignment of the forthcoming ship to a berthing point;
the sequencing of ships assigned to every berthing point.
The berth allocation problem is a combinatorial problem that can be formulated in different ways. We have studied two formulations. The first one is the Dynamic Berth Allocation Problem (DBAP) proposed by Imai, Nishimura and Papadimitriou [2001] to solve the berth planning problem at the Port of Singapore. Since this formulation is the most recent, we have implemented it and solved it by CPLEX in order to obtain benchmarks. The second one is the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MDVRPTW) formulation [Cordeau, Gendreau, Laporte (1997); Cordeau, Laporte, Mercier (2001); Legato, Monaco (2001)]. This formulation is interesting because a tabu search heuristic is already available to solve it. In our work we explain the adaptations made to this algorithm to solve the berth allocation problem as a variant of the MDVRPTW. The MDVRPTW was also solved by CPLEX, but only very small instances can be solved exactly. After assessing the efficacy of the tabu search heuristic on a formulation exclusively based on time constraints, we extend the same search mechanism to consider also the space constraint arising from sharing the portion of the berth available between ships of variable lengths. The presentation will describe the problem, as well as integer linear programming formulations and heuristics. The effectiveness of the heuristics developed is demonstrated through a series of computational experiments. We will also offer some comments on the port authority’s acceptance of our work.
11:20 |
Yard Management Problem at the Gioia Tauro Maritime Terminal |
Luigi Moccia, Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemi, Via Pietro Bucci, Cubo 41C, 87036 Rende, CS, Italy
Jean-François Cordeau, HEC Montréal, GERAD et Gestion des opérations et de la production, 3000, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3T 2A7
Manlio Gaudioso, Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemi, Via Pietro Bucci, Cubo 41C, Rende, CS, Italy, 87036
Gilbert Laporte, HEC Montréal, GERAD, C.R.T. et Chaire de recherche du Canada en distributique, 3000, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3T 2A7
The port of Gioia Tauro located in Southern Italy is the largest transshipment port in the Mediterranean Sea. It is mainly devoted to transhipment activity involving mother vessels and feeders. The yard management problem is critical in a maritime terminal container management because decisions about the yard affect berth allocation. The goal is to locate containers at various locations in order to minimize movements between pick up and delivery points on the berth and storage area in the yard. A "service" or "port rotation" is a sequence of ports planned by the navigation companies for their ships. A container arriving with a service is stored in the area of this service, and is then transferred to the area of the outgoing service. Management knows the historical data of the interactions between the services.
The problem can be formulated as a quadratic assignment problem with capacity constraint on the slots, since every service has a space requirement less than the capacity of the slots in the yard. In our particular case, the problem reduces to a linear ordering problem which can be formulated as an integer linear program. Unfortunately solving this problem is impractical. Instead two heuristic approaches are presented:
a genetic algorithm, derived from a recent method proposed by Drezner for the quadratic assignment problem;
a tabu search heuristic, which can be used alone or in combination with the genetic algorithm as a post-optimizer.
The presentation will describe the problem, as well as integer linear programming formulations and heuristics. The effectiveness of the heuristics developed is demonstrated through a series of computational experiments.