Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 results — page 13 of 19

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We discuss the relationship between probabilistic logic and <img src="pi.gif" align=bottom>-CMS. Given a set of logical sentences and probabilities, the ou...

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Given a network modeled by a probabilistic graph <i>G =</i> (<i>V,E</i>) with bounds on the operation probabilities of edges and of pairs of edges, the seco...

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The recently developed Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) meta-heuristic for combinatorial and global optimization is outlined together with its specializat...

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The chemical trees on <i>n</i> vertices (= molecular graphs representing alkanes with <i>n</i> carbon atoms) with minimal, second-minimal, third-minimal, ma...

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Let <i>G</i> be a connected graph and let <i>D</i> be its diameter. Denote by <i>d</i>(<i>G,k</i>) the number of pairs of vertices in <i>G</i> that are at d...

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We present a branch and cut algorithm that yields in finite time, a globally <img src="epsilon.gif" align=bottom>-optimal (with respect to feasibility and o...

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An exact algorithm is proposed for minimum sum-of-squares nonhierarchical clustering, i.e., for partitioning a given set of points from Euclidean <i>m</i>-s...

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Given a graph <i>G</i> with <i>n</i> vertices and stability number <img src="alpha.gif" align=bottom>(<i>G</i>), Turán's theorem gives a lower bound on the ...

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We study empirically the topology of the local minima of the 3-SAT problem. In particular, we analyze the size of the plateaus, their altitude, their attrac...

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We present branch and bound algorithms that enumerate in finite time all Nash equilibria for strategic and sequence form bimatrix games. For each forms, th...

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We consider Nash equilibria as correlated equilibria and apply polyhedral theory to study extreme Nash equilibrium properties. We obtain an alternate proof ...

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If it is assumed that the final product of bromination of C<sub>60</sub> will obey two rules, (i) that no two <i>sp</i><sup>3</sup> carbons may be adjacent,...

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Column generation is often used to solve large scale optimization problems, and much research has been devoted to improve the convergence of the solution pr...

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A new algorithm, which exploits information from both ends of the network, is presented for the bicriterion shortest path problem. The algorithm extends eff...

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The disjoint bilinear programming problem can be reformulated using two distinct linear maxmin programming problems. There is a simple bijection between the...

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A new algorithm, based on interval analysis, is proposed for global optimization of constrained nonlinear nonconvex functions of several variables. It expl...

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An algorithm based upon the boundary-edges code and the reverse search method is proposed for enumerating non-isomorphic planar simply connected polyhexes. ...

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Systematic change of neighborhood within a possibly randomized local search algorithm yields a simple and effective metaheuristic for combinatorial and glo...

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Chopping a graph <i>G</i> means removing one edge from each connected component of <i>G</i> in parallel, and repeating this until no edges remain. The requi...

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Consider a set <i>L</i> of potential locations for <i>p</i> facilities and a set <i>U</i> of locations of given users. The <i>p</i>-median problem is to loc...

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