Axis 2: Decision support made in complex systems



Mar 31, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Hassan Benchekroun

On the Optimal Taxation of the Commons

Mar 25, 202202:00 PM — 03:00 PM ISS Informal Systems Seminar Rahul Jain

Data-driven and learning-based methods for control: Challenges and new horizons

Mar 24, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Andrea Seidl

The Digital Economy and Advertising Diffusion Models: Critical Mass and the Stalling Equilibrium

Mar 23, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM “Meet a GERAD researcher!” seminar Khalil Al Handawi

Optimization of Stochastic Epidemiological Models for Disease Control and Prediction

Mar 18, 202210:00 AM — 11:00 AM ISS Informal Systems Seminar Necmiye Ozay

Learning Models and Constraints with Limited Data

Mar 17, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Michael Kopel

Information Acquisition, Strategic Ignorance, and Manufacturer Encroachment

Mar 16, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM GERAD seminar Lesia Mitridati

The Cost of Privacy in the Coordination of Heat and Electricity Markets

Mar 11, 202210:00 AM — 11:00 AM ISS Informal Systems Seminar Alec Koppel

Beyond the Cumulative Return in Reinforcement Learning

Mar 10, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Mahsa Mahboob Ghodsi

Omnichannel Fulfillment Strategies and Sales Credit Allocation

Mar 9, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM “Meet a GERAD researcher!” seminar Roland P. Malhamé

Linear Quadratic Mean Field Games and an Inverse Nash Approach for the Aggregate Control of Thermal Loads in Energy Systems

Feb 25, 202202:00 PM — 03:00 PM ISS Informal Systems Seminar Maryam Kamgarpour

Learning Nash equilibria with partial information

Feb 24, 202211:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Maria Kleshnina

Optimal sharing in social dilemmas