
Mar 6, 202002:00 PM — 05:00 PM  

C++ Basics

Mar 2 — 3, 2020  

Edge Intelligence Workshop

Feb 28, 202002:00 PM — 04:30 PM  

How to use Beamer?

Feb 28, 202010:30 AM — 11:30 AM ISS Informal Systems Seminar Maxime Laborde

Systems of evolution equations coupled through optimal transport and application to urban planning

Feb 26, 202010:00 AM — 11:00 AM “Meet a GERAD researcher!” seminar Miguel Diago Martinez

Optimisation de boîtes noires à grande dimensionnalité avec PSD-MADS

Feb 20, 202010:00 AM — 12:00 PM  

Organizing a Python Project

Feb 12, 202003:30 PM — 04:30 PM “Meet a GERAD researcher!” seminar Peter E. Caines

Graphon mean field games: A dynamical equilibrium theory for a networked world

Feb 7, 202002:30 PM — 04:00 PM  

Mindful matching: Ordinal versus nominal attributes

Feb 6, 202010:30 AM — 12:00 PM GERAD seminar Maxime Cohen

Incentivizing commuters to carpool: A large field experiment with Waze

Jan 24, 202002:00 PM — 04:30 PM  

Dissecting a good presentation: a guided exercise

Jan 17, 202002:00 PM — 04:30 PM  

How to be a good presenter