

Ranking Small Regular Polygons by Area and by Perimeter

, , and

BibTeX reference

From the pentagon onwards, the area of the regular convex polygon with n sides and unit diameter is greater for each odd number n than for the next even number n + 1. Moreover, from the heptagon onwards, the difference in areas decreases when n increases. Similar properties hold for the perimeter. A new proof of a result of Reinhardt follows.

, 12 pages

This cahier was revised in November 2006

Research Axis


Ranking small regular polygons by area and by perimeter
, , and
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 3(1), 21–27, 2009 BibTeX reference
Ranking small regular polygons by area and by perimeter
, , and
Diskretnyi Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsii, 15(3), 65–73, 2008 BibTeX reference