François Soumis was a full professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal. He was accepted for baccalaureate studies at Université de Montréal in the department of mathematics and statistics in the middle of the sixties. After completing those successfully, he earned a master’s degree in topology, and finally obtained a PhD in operations research in 1979 in the computer science department. One could think that he was destined to a career in academia, but one would be surprised to learn that this higher education journey started without a high school diploma. This can-do attitude certainly remained one of his most remarkable trait, even until his last breath.
His post-graduate work life started as an IT analyst at the Sainte-Justine hospital in Montreal, then professor at the National University of Rwanda, followed by a research position at HEC Montréal at the beginning of the eighties. He ultimately joined the applied mathematics department (today mathematics and industrial engineering) of Polytechnique Montréal in 1984. A position he will evolve in for the next fourty years to become a full professor. Throughout his long career, he supervised or co-supervised 107 master students and 68 doctorate. His contributions to decomposition methods (such as Dantzig-Wolfe and Benders) are numerous, as much from a theory standpoint than from a practical one allowing the efficient resolution of large-scale applications.
He was comanager with Jacques Desrosiers of the GENCOL group created in 1981. The name originates from the french expression “génération de colonnes” which consists in a mathematical method dedicated to solve problems with millions of millions of variables. Guy Desaulniers joined the duo in 1993. The software of eponymous appelation is used worldwide to optimize equipment usage and personnel scheduling, mainly in the field of urban and air transportation.
In 1987, he cofounded AD OPT Technologies to give more traction to his research in the industry. The enterprise initially develops and commercializes a planning system to optimize real-time routing in open pit mines. The system makes it way to six mines in Québec, Brazil, India, and the United States. The commercial interests of AD OPT for air transportation started in the nineties with UPS as first client, followed by Air Transat, Air Canada, Quantas, FedEx, etc. The software suite Altitude is in the making as the business grows up to serve some thirty airline companies. The enterprise also conceives personnel planning (ShiftLogic) for workers from various industries, such as retail, manufacturing, healthcare, service centers. In 1999, AD OPT enters the Toronto stock market. The company is then acquired by Kronos in 2004, a world leader in personnel management solutions. They are now part of UKG. In 2019, the AD OPT division is sold to IBS Software, a software as a service provider for aviation, tour and cruise, hospitality, and logistics companies.
From 1992 to 1996, François was the director of the GERAD research center whose members come from several universities all over Quebec: specialists in data science for decision making, computer scientists, applied mathematicians, and mathematical engineers. He was a very active member from the beginning to the end by participating in numerous committees, finding new members, and organizing different scientific activities. From 2014 to 2017, he was the founding director of IVADO (Institut de valorisation des données), a consortium recognized worldwide for its research aptitudes, training capabilities and knowledge mobilization in artificial intelligence and optimization.
From 2001 to 2014, he was chairholder of a level I Canada Research Chairs in optimization of large transportation networks, a recognition of his exceptional talent in research that offers the possibility to do more of it. In parallel, he continuously got involved at various levels in startups, in particular, as a member of the board of directors of two technological enterprises BiocogniSafe Technologies and Clear Destination.
In 2014, he received the prestigious prize Lionel-Boulet, “the highest distinction awarded by the Quebec government since 1999 to a person who has led an outstanding career in industrial research.” A query on the website leads to a beautiful text on this outstanding researcher, although it is unfortunately only available in French.
All of this brain power did not stop François to nurture other interests. For example, he was a gentleman-farmer for some years selling homegrown tomatoes at the Atwater market at 4 in the morning. He was also an accomplished sculptor. A glimpse of the numerous prizes he earned during his career follows below.
2024 EURO Excellence in Practice Award, 33rd EURO Conference, Copenhaguen, Danmark
2023 Award for excellence in research and innovation, Polytechnique Montréal.
2015 AD OPT receives the Omond Solandt Award from the Canadian Operational Research Society in recognition of its considerable contribution to operations research in Canada.
2014 Prix du Québec Lionel-Boulet for scientific innovation, Government of Quebec.
2011 Winner of the IBM Faculty Award.
2007 Best doctoral thesis in air transport awarded to Anne Mercier by INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences). Thesis supervised by F. Soumis.
2004 Finalist for the Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences, in collaboration with Bombardier Flexjet and AD OPT Technologies.
1997 Technology Transfert Prize, awarded by ADRIQ (Association pour le développement de la recherche industrielle du Québec), in collaboration with AD OPT Technologies.
1997 Excellence in Innovative Partnerships, University-Industry Synergy, awarded by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) and the Conference Board of Canada.
1997 J.-Armand Bombardier Medal, Technological Innovation, awarded by ACFAS (Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement de la science).
1996 Technology Transfer Award, awarded by l’ADRIQ.
1996 Canadian Operational Research Society's annual award for best applied research (work carried out for Air Canada).
1994 Canadian Operational Research Society's annual award for best applied research (work carried out for Air France).
1984 Pierre-Laurin Research Award, HEC Montréal.
1983 Prize for best research presented at the EURO Congress in Vienna.
1978 Award for best doctoral thesis in transportation in Canada.