Scientific Publications

5904 results — page 509 of 591

Analysis and evaluation of link layer transmission schemes for MIMO channels
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IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, 57(3), 1923–1929, 2008 BibTeX reference
Exponential H-infinity filtering for uncertain discrete-time switched linear systems with average dwell time: A mu-dependent approach
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International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 18(11), 1188–1207, 2008 BibTeX reference
Computing monotone disjoint paths on polytopes
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 16(4), 328–343, 2008 BibTeX reference
Replicating the properties of hedge fund returns
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Journal of Alternative Investments, 11(2), 8–38, 2008 BibTeX reference
Distributed compression and multiparty squashed entanglement
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Journal of Physics, A41(11), 115301–115326, 2008 BibTeX reference
The dial-a-ride problem: Models and algorithms
Annals of Operations Research, 153(1), 29–46, 2007 BibTeX reference
A new Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation and branch-and-price algorithm for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times
Operations Research, 55(5), 909–920, 2007 BibTeX reference
The p-median problem: A survey of metaheuristic approaches
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European Journal of Operational Research, 179(3), 927–939, 2007 BibTeX reference
European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 1855–1875, 2007 BibTeX reference
An analytical approach to the economical assessment of wind power penetration in electrical networks
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Power Tech 2007, Lausanne, 2007 BibTeX reference