Scientific Publications

5904 results — page 530 of 591

Efficient Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo option pricing under the variance-gamma model
Management Science, 52(12), 1930–1944, 2006 BibTeX reference
Nodal aggregation of ressource constraints in a shortest path problem
European Journal of Operational Research, 172(2), 500–514, 2006 BibTeX reference
Enumeration of all extreme equilibria in game theory: Bimatrix and polymatrix games
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Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 129(3), 349–372, 2006 BibTeX reference
First vs. Best Improvement: An Empirical Study
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154(5), 802–817, 2006 BibTeX reference
The impact of capacity costs on product differentiation in delivery time, delivery reliability and price
Production and Operations Management, 15(2), 179–197, 2006 BibTeX reference
Real-time optimization of a tubular reactor with distributed feed
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AIChE Journal, 52(6), 2120–2128, 2006 BibTeX reference
Les collisions en 1987 et en 1999: comparaisons entre les personnes utilisatrices du téléphone mobile en 1999 et les toujours non utilisatrices
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Assurances et gestion des risques, 73(4), 443–456, 2006 BibTeX reference
Manufacturing systems: LMI approach 
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51(6), 1014–1018, 2006 BibTeX reference
Designing an efficient method for tandem AGV network design problem using Tabu search
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Applied Mathematics and Computation, 183(2), 1410–1421, 2006 BibTeX reference
Measure-valued differentiation for random horizon problems
Markov Processes and Related Fields, 12(3), 509–536, 2006 BibTeX reference