Scientific Publications

5904 results — page 565 of 591

Integrating reliability and quality of service in networks with switched virtual circuits
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Computers & Operations Research, 32(1), 35–58, 2005 BibTeX reference
An integrated aircraft routing, crew scheduling and flight retiming model
Computers & Operations Research, 2005 BibTeX reference
Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 12. A note on the variance of bounded degrees in graphs
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MATCH, Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 54, 221–232, 2005 BibTeX reference
Graph theory and combinatorial optimization
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Springer, 264 pages, 2005 BibTeX reference
Numerical methods in finance
Springer, 258 pages, 2005 BibTeX reference
Recherche à voisinage variable de graphes extrémaux. 13. À propos de la maille
RAIRO-Operations Research, 39(4), 275–293, 2005 BibTeX reference
Tabu Search Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem
Eds Rego, C, Alidaee, B, Metaheuristic Optimization via Memory and Evolution: Tabu Search and Scatter Search, Kluwer, Boston, 145–163, 2005 BibTeX reference
Gestion des horaires et affectation du personnel
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Baptiste, P, Girard, V, Hait, A, Soumis, F, Gestion de production et ressources humaines : méthodes de planification dans les systèmes productifs, Presses de Polytechnique, 71–109, 2005 BibTeX reference
Recent trends in arc routing
Eds I. Hartman and M. Golumbic, Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithmics : Interdisciplinary Applications, (9), Kluwer, 2005 BibTeX reference
S-JET: An efficient reservation scheduling algorithm for optical burst switches
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Journal of Optical Networking, 4(8), 476–498, 2005 BibTeX reference