Scientific Publications

5904 results — page 584 of 591

Survey and new results on computer enumeration of polyhex and fusene hydrocarbons
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Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 43(3), 842–851, 2003 BibTeX reference
Technology progress and technology acquisition: Strategic decision under uncertainty
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Production and Operations Management, 12(1), 102–119, 2003 BibTeX reference
Approximating american option prices in the garch framework
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Journal of Futures Markets, 23(10), 915–929, 2003 BibTeX reference
Catalytic combustion kinetics - Using a direct search algorithm to evaluate kinetic-parameters from light-off curves
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Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81(6), 1192–1199, 2003 BibTeX reference
Heuristics for the black and white traveling salesman problem
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Computers & Operations Research, 30, 75–85, 2003 BibTeX reference
On the Complexity of Testing Hypermetric, Negative Type, k-gonal and Gap Inequalities
Discrete and Computational Geometry, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2866, 51–59, 2003 BibTeX reference
Application des métaheuristiques à la coloration des sommets d'un graphe
Résolution de problèmes de RO par les métaheuristiques, 1, Hermes Science Publication, Paris, 21–48, 2003 BibTeX reference
Using stable sets to bound the chromatic number
Information Processing Letters, 87, 127–131, 2003 BibTeX reference
A differential game of retailer promotions
Automatica, 39(7), 1145–1155, 2003 BibTeX reference
CUTEr and SifDec: A constrained and unconstrained testing environment, revisited
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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 29(4), 2003 BibTeX reference