Axis 2: Decision support made in complex systems


Cahiers du GERAD

1368 results — page 47 of 69

Using a two-player differential game approach, this paper deals with the issue of tropical deforestation. The assumption is that developing forestry countri...

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We consider a differential game model for a marketing channel formed by one manufacturer and one retailer. The latter sells the manufacturer's product and ma...

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The Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) is an important component in the climate system because it strongly influences conditions in the North Atlantic ...

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The algebraic connectivity <i>a(G)</i> of a graph <i>G = (V,E)</i> is the second smallest eigenvalue of its Laplacian matrix. Using the AutoGraphiX (AGX) sys...

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Ce document présente un modèle intégrateur de la logistique inverse. Le modèle est générique et peut servir à différents types d’entreprises. Le contexte du...

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Column Generation (CG) algorithms are instrumental in many areas of applied optimization, where Linear Programs with an enormous number of columns need to ...

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Chemical graphs, as other ones, are <i>regular</i> if all their vertices have the same degree. Otherwise, they are <i>irregular</i> and it is of interest to...

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We describe an approach that computes an optimal primal basic solution given an optimal vector of dual multipliers. It consists in restricting the dual prob...

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This article presents a formulation for the job shop problem based on the Dantzig- Wolfe decomposition with a subproblem for each machine. Each subproblem i...

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In most vehicle routing and crew scheduling applications solved by column generation, the subproblem corresponds to a shortest path problem with resource con...

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We give a didactic introduction to the use of the column generation technique in linear and in particular in integer programming. We touch on both, the relev...

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This paper proposes a generalization of the proximal point algorithm using both penalty and trust region concepts. Finite convergence is established while as...

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A new class of algorithms for solving nonlinearly constrained mixed variable optimization problems is presented. This class combines and extends the Audet-De...

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This article reviews some of the best metaheuristics proposed in recent years for the Vehicle Routing Problem. These are based on local search, on populatio...

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The uniting feature of combinatorial optimization and extremal graph theory is that in both areas one should &#64257;nd extrema of a function defined in most...

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The problem of determining a shortest loop incident to each cell of a block layout is considered. A compact formulation is developed for this problem and a ...

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Conjectures in graph theory have multiple forms and involve graph invariants, graph classes, subgraphs, minors and other concepts in premisses and/or conclu...

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Computer-assisted and automated conjecture-making in graph theory is reviewed, focusing on the three operational systems GRAPH, Graffiti and AutoGraphiX (AGX...

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We consider the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem (MDVSP) and propose a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving it that combines column generation, va...

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We consider a game where players face environmental constraints. We derive and compare noncooperative, cooperative and umbrella scenarios. In the latter, the...

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