Axe 2 : Aide à la décision prise dans les systèmes complexes


Cahiers du GERAD

1368 résultats — page 57 de 69

We present branch and bound algorithms that enumerate in finite time all Nash equilibria for strategic and sequence form bimatrix games. For each forms, th...

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This paper considers the placement of components onto printed circuit boards (PCB's) using surface mount technology. Multiple automatic placement machines, ...

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Cet article décrit un problème d'horaires mensuels personnalisés pour les membres d'équipage (pilotes et officiers) en transport aérien. Ce problème consist...

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Dans le cadre du projet de recherche franco-québécois "COPRAIC": COnception et PRoduction Accélérées dans un contexte de l'Ingénierie Concourante, une enquê...

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We consider Nash equilibria as correlated equilibria and apply polyhedral theory to study extreme Nash equilibrium properties. We obtain an alternate proof ...

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This paper considers the shortest path problem with waiting costs (SPWC) as an extension of the shortest path problem with time windows. The problem consis...

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In recent years, there have been several important algorithmic developments for the traveling salesman problem and the vehicle routing problem. These incl...

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One of the many problems faced by rail transportation companies is to optimize the utilization of the available stock of locomotives and cars. In this paper...

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The aim of this paper is to present a survey of recent optimization models for the most commonly studied rail transportation problems. For each group of pro...

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In the last 15 years, considerable efforts have been placed on integrating product and process design. This integration can improve product quality, reduce...

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An FMS environment requires a flexible and adaptable material handling system. Automated guided vehicles (AGV) provide such a system. One of the component...

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The paper is concerned with conflict and coordination in a two-member channel of distribution. We propose a differential game model that includes carry-ove...

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If it is assumed that the final product of bromination of C<sub>60</sub> will obey two rules, (i) that no two <i>sp</i><sup>3</sup> carbons may be adjacent,...

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This paper describes a decision support system based on a sophisticated mixed integer linear programming model, EUGENE, developed to help the regional decis...

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Column generation is often used to solve large scale optimization problems, and much research has been devoted to improve the convergence of the solution pr...

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We consider a monopolist firm that plans its production, inventory, and pricing policy over a fixed and finite horizon. The problem is represented by an opt...

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The paper deals with a problem of determining optimal advertising expenditures in a two-member channel of distribution in which the manufacturer invests in ...

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A new algorithm, which exploits information from both ends of the network, is presented for the bicriterion shortest path problem. The algorithm extends eff...

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Cet article identifie pour chaque fonction logistique les décisions à prendre et propose une séquence organisée de façon à constituer un processus décisionn...

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The disjoint bilinear programming problem can be reformulated using two distinct linear maxmin programming problems. There is a simple bijection between the...

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