Axis 3: Decision support made under uncertainty


Cahiers du GERAD

291 results — page 10 of 15

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In this paper, we tackle the aircraft conflict resolution problem under uncertainties. We consider errors due to the wind effect, the imprecision on the airc...

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A stochastic integer-programming (SIP) model is presented to optimize long-term scheduling of underground mine operations while considering geological uncert...

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We consider a multi-agent system with linear stochastic individual dynamics, and individual linear quadratic ergodic cost functions. The agents partially o...

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This paper addresses the optimization of mineral supply chain operations under metal and material type uncertainties. A mathematical model to simultaneously ...

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This paper develops an efficient method to solve a typical combinatorial optimization problem that is frequently encountered when designing high levels of pr...

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Currently, power system operations planning practices are undergoing various transformations in an attempt to integrate efficiently significant amounts of su...

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We introduce an efficient approach to evaluate counterparty risk and we compute the Credit Valuation Adjustement for derivatives having early exercise feat...

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We consider the class of stochastic games played over finite event trees, that is, games where the random process is an act of nature and is not influenced b...

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The first part of this two-part paper developed the framework for characterizing the feasibility regions of power systems in the demand space. This character...

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This two-part paper presents a framework for the characterization and minimal representation of the feasibility regions of power systems in the demand space....

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This paper proposes an incentive mechansim for transmission expansion planning. The mechansim is a bilevel program. The upper level is a profit-maximizing tr...

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Robust optimization (RO) is a powerful mean to handle optimization problems where there is a set of parameters that are uncertain. The effectiveness of the m...

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In this paper we show how to robustify the computation of equilibria in two integrated assessment models for climate change. Both models deal with the optima...

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Robust optimization is a methodology that has gained a lot of attention in the recent years. This is mainly due to the simplicity of the modeling process and...

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In this paper, we present a stochastic two-level optimization model whose upper-level problem depicts a wastewater treatment plant deciding on the size of co...

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In this article, we characterize incentive equilibrium strategies and their credibility conditions for the classes of linear-state and linear-quadratic dynam...

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In this paper we present a new rolling horizon approach for solving stochastic mixed complementarity problems (MCPs). Such a scheme allows for decision-depen...

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Traditionally, the planning of operating reserve has been done in terms of capacity and linear (average) ramping requirements. On the other hand, the newly e...

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We propose a quasi-analytical approach for valuing American-style options under Gaussian and double exponential jumps à la Merton (1976) and Kou (2002). Our ...

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Since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, there has been a renewed interest toward quantifying more appropriately the risks involved in financial positions. P...

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