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Here is a list of well-located hotels. Please contact directly the hotel of your choice. Some of these hotels offer a reduced rate. To benefit this rate, please mention the name of the conference, GERAD-HEC Montreal, in which you take part.

H�tel Terrasse Royale
5225 C�te-des-Neiges
Montr�al, Qu�bec 
H3T 1Y1
Telephone: (514) 739-6391 or 1-800-567-0804
Fax: (514) 342-2512
Email : sejour@terrasse-royale.com
Web: http://www.terrasse-royale.com

15 minutes from conference site by foot, near C�te-des-Neiges metro station.

Les Studios R�sidences - Universit� de Montr�al
2350 �douard-Montpetit
Montr�al, Qu�bec  H3T 1J4
Telephone: (514) 343-6531
Fax: (514) 343-2353
Email: residences@umontreal.ca
Web: http://www.residences-etu.ca/contact.php?d=s 

5 minutes from conference site by foot, located near �douard-Montpetit metro station.

Ch�teau Versailles
1659 Sherbrooke Ouest
Montr�al, Qu�bec  H3H 1E3
Telephone: (514) 933-8111 or 1-888-933-8111
Fax: (514) 933-6867
Email : info@versailleshotels.com
Web: http://www.versailleshotels.com/

30 minutes from conference site by metro, located downtown near Guy-Concordia metro station.

Le M�ridien Versailles-Montr�al
1808 Sherbrooke Ouest
Montr�al, Qu�bec  H3H 1E5
Telephone: (514) 933-8111 or 1-888-933-8111
Fax: (514) 933-6867
Web: http://www.versailleshotels.com/

30 minutes from conference site by metro, located downtown near Guy-Concordia metro station.

H�tel Europa - Best Western
1240 rue Drummond (corner of Ste-Catherine)
Montr�al, Qu�bec  H3G 1V7
Telephone: (514) 866-6492 or 1-800-361-3000
Fax: (514) 861-4089
Email: info@europahotelmtl.com
Web: http://www.europahotelmtl.com/

30 minutes from conference site by metro, located downtown near Peel metro station.

Les Studios H�tel - Universit� de Montr�al
2450 �douard-Montpetit
Montr�al, Qu�bec  H3T 1J4
Telephone: (514) 343-8006
Fax: (514) 343-8076
Web: http://www.studioshotel.ca/

5 minutes from conference site by foot, located near �douard-Montpetit metro station.

Four Points by Sheraton Montreal Centre-Ville
475 Sherbrooke Ouest
Montr�al, Qu�bec  H3A 2L9
Telephone: 1-800-842-3961
Fax: (514) 842-0945
Email: lodging@fourpointsmontreal.com
Web: http://www.fourpointsmontreal.com

30 minutes from conference site by metro, located downtown near McGill metro station.

Gouverneur H�tels
1415 St-Hubert
Montr�al, Qu�bec H2L 3Y9
Telephone: 1-888-910-1111
Web: http://www.gouverneur.com

30 minutes from conference site by metro, located downtown near Berri-UQAM metro station.


La Tour Belv�d�re
2175 boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montr�al, Qu�bec  H3H 1L5
Telephone: (514) 935.9052 or 1-888-922-9052
Fax: (514) 935.9532
Email: email@tourbelvedere.com
Web: http://www.tourbelvedere.com

30 minutes from conference site by metro, located downtown near Atwater metro station.