This summer school on Advances in Data Mining is primarily intended for graduate students and researchers wishing to enlarge their knowledge in data mining, its applications and its recent developments. Eight tutorial lectures of three hours each will be given by seven experts in data mining.



HEC Montr�al (Building no. 35 on the University of Montreal campus map)
3000, chemin de la C�te-Sainte-Catherine
Montr�al (Qu�bec) H3T 2A7

Scientific Program

All lectures will be held in room Van Houtte on the first floor in the green section. Email facilities: Hewitt �quipement Limit�e. Coffee breaks are at 10:15 to 10:30 and 15:15 to 15:30.

Monday, May 5, 2008

8:15 9:00

Registration (in front of room Van Houtte)

9:00 � 12:00

Text Mining
Gilles Caporossi, GERAD & HEC Montr�al, Montr�al, Canada

Some Recent Developments in Tree Based Methods
Denis Larocque, GERAD & HEC Montr�al, Montr�al, Canada

12:00 � 14:00

Lunch (Salon Deloitte, 4th floor)

14:00 � 17:00

A Survey of Statistical Learning
David Banks, Duke University, North Carolina, USA

17:00 � 20:00

Cocktail party (Salon Deloitte, 4th floor)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

9:00 � 12:00

A Survey of Statistical Learning
David Banks, Duke University, North Carolina, USA

12:00 14:00

Lunch (Teleglobe, Garden Level)

14:00 � 17:00

Partially Defined Boolean Functions and Logical Analysis of Data
Endre Boros, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

9:00 � 12:00

Clustering Algorithms
Pierre Hansen, GERAD & HEC Montr�al, Montr�al, Canada

12:00 14:00

Lunch (Salon Deloitte, 4th floor)

14:00 � 17:00

Partially Defined Boolean Functions and Logical Analysis of Data
Endre Boros, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

Thursday, May 8, 2008

9:00 � 12:00

On the Relevance of Neural Networks for Data Mining: How They Work, Why They Matter, and the Promises of Current Research
Pascal Vincent, Universit� de Montr�al, Montr�al, Canada

12:00 � 14:00

Lunch (restaurant)

14:00 � 17:00

Data mining in a cubicle: what happens after graduation day?
Michel Girard, A�roplan, Montr�al, Canada

The topics covered will be:
Machine Learning, Clustering Algorithms, Neural Networks, Logical Analysis of Data (LAD), Trees, Text Mining and the use of Data Mining in Business.

Registrations Fees (in Canadian dollars)*

Online registration.



Before April 15

After April 15


$ 300

$ 400


$ 600

$ 700

Fees include one-week registration, a copy of school textbook, 8 coffee breaks, 4 lunches and one cocktail.

* There is a limit of 50 participants.


Accommodation list.


For additional information you can reach Ms Carole Dufour at GERAD, by phone at (1) 514-340-6053 extension 6043, by fax at (1) 514-340-5269,
or by email at ecole2008@gerad.ca.