53 Papers in 1992
Zone pricing consists in determining simultaneously several delivered prices together with the zones where they are applied. A model and algorithm are prop...
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D.-c. programming is a recent technique of global optimization, which allows the solution of problems whose objective function and constraints can be expres...
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In this paper, we present a scenario aggregation algorithm for the solution of the dynamic minimax problem in stochastic programming. We consider the case w...
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In this paper, we present algorithms for the solution of the dynamic minimax problem in stochastic programs. This dynamic minimax approach is suggested for ...
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This survey paper describes the significant advances made in time constrained vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems. In terms of solution methodolog...
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Consider a set of logical sentences together with probabilities that they are true. These probabilities must satisfy certain conditions for this system to b...
BibTeX referenceA New Branching Strategy for Time Constrained Routing Problems with Application to Backhauling
In this paper we explore a new branching strategy for branch-and-bound approaches based on column generation for the vehicle routing problems with time wind...
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Much work has been devoted to the problem of finding maximum likelihood estimators for the three-parameter Weibull distribution. This problem has not been c...
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Dendrograms are widely used to represent graphically the clusters and partitions obtained with hierarchical clustering schemes. Espaliers are generalized de...
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In a previous paper, a global optimization algorithm, called MLEW, is provided for finding Maximum Likelihood Estimators for the three-parameter Weibull dis...
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In this paper, we present three algorithms for the solution of a large-scale zero-sum two-player stochastic game in discrete time, with a finite state set a...
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We consider a permutation flow-shop with <i>n</i> jobs and <i>m</i> machines, where the jobs processing times are given by a monotone nondecreasing function...
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The NP-hard problem addressed in this paper is well known in the scheduling literature as <i>R</i>|<i>C</i><sub><font size=-1>max</font></sub>. We introduce...
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Ce document explique comment réaliser une implantation efficace d'une méthode d'énumération implicite avec une stratégie du type le meilleur d'abord. Dans l...
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The problem of finding a minimal length trajectory (MLT) for a mobile robot has changed in the last five years, as vehicle kinematics have come to be taken ...
BibTeX referenceSpine Layout Design
We present a method for designing spine layouts. A spine layout is a layout in which a main aisle is used for the movements between the work cells located o...
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The bilevel programming problem involves two optimization problems where the data of the first one is implicitly determined by the solution of the second. I...
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A proof is given that any normal benzenoid system with <i>h ></i> 1 hexagons has two hexagons the removal of each of which results in a normal benzenoid s...
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It is shown that the Clar number of a benzenoid hydrocarbon <i>H</i> (defined as the number of circles in a Clar formula, or equivalently as the maximum num...
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One type of testing for short circuits in printed circuit boards components is described and modelled as the covering of the edges of a graph by cuts. To mi...
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In this paper, optimal strip strategies are developed for a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional sequencing problems arising in flexible manufac...
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We consider graphs <i>G = </i>(<i>V, E</i>) with order <i>p</i> = |<i>V</i>|, size <i>e</i> = |<i>E</i>| and stability number <i><img src="beta.gif" align=m...
BibTeX referenceUne approche de la comparaison de profils à l'aide du coefficient de concentration généralisé
Nous développons une méthode de comparaison de deux profils à l'aide d'un coefficient de concentration des points d'un nuage de l'un des profils par rapport...
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We present a new two-commodity flow formulation for the traveling salesman problem. Each commodity corresponds to a resource that is either distributed or p...
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We show that certain reasonable axioms for an optimal solution to the problem of locating a facility on a network, i.e., axioms of distance determination, P...
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In this paper a class of large, structured linear programs arising in multi-regional (or multi-sectoral) commodity exchange problems, is examined. A decompo...
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The rectangular cutting-stock problem consists in laying out a specified list of rectangular pieces on a minimum number of rectangular sheets. A pattern is ...
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Five recent practically efficient methods for solving the maximum clique problem are briefly described and compared on randomly generated graphs. A Fortran ...
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In the vehicle routing cost allocation problem the aim is to find a good cost allocation method, i.e. a method that according to specified criteria allocate...
BibTeX referenceSpatial Oligopolistic Equilibria
This note deals with spatial (multi-market) and multi-commodity versions of the classical Cournot (1838) oligopoly. Our objective is to find non-cooperative...
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In this paper, the expected distance between two uniformly distributed random points in a rectangle or in a rectangular parallelepiped is computed under thr...
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Many properties of benzenoid hydrocarbons can be explained in terms of their maximum number of mutually resonant hexagons. It is shown that this number can ...
BibTeX referenceModelling New Markets for Québec Hydro-electricity: An Equilibrium Via Mathematical Programming
This paper proposes a model for the optimal choice among three alternative new markets for Québec electricity: new electrical processes in the industrial se...
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The large-scale MARKAL Linear Program is applied (separately) to the energy systems of Québec and of Ontario, under several alternative constraints on emiss...
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We consider a differential game model to investigate the effects of price subsidy over time on the rate of diffusion of a new technology. We assume that the...
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It is an old observation that for the Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) a Linear Programming (LP) relaxation introduces only few fractions in the solutio...
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A recent global optimization algorithm using decomposition (GOP), due to Floudas and Visweswaran, when specialized to the case of polynomial functions is sh...
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Examination scheduling is a problem in virtually every high school, college and university. The basic challenge is to schedule examinations over a limited ...
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We consider the problem of minimizing the weighted sum of earliness and tardiness of jobs scheduled around a common due date, <i>d</i>. The weight of a job ...
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The off-line vertex enumeration problem for polytopes consists in determining all vertices of a given polytope <i>P</i>. The on-line vertex enumeration prob...
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Consider a benzenoid system with fixed bonds and the subgraph obtained by deleting fixed double bonds together with their end vertices and fixed single bond...
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It is shown that any vertex which is simplicial in the complementary graph of a given graph belongs to at least one maximum clique of that graph. This prope...
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A hexagonal system is a connected plane graph without cut vertices in which each interior face is a regular hexagon. A linear algorithm is proposed to find ...
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Weber's problem consists in locating a facility in the plane in such a way that the weighted sum of Euclidean distances to <i>n</i> given points be minimum....
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A method to compute various upper bounds for the Clar number (defined as the number of circles in a Clar formula) of a benzenoid hydrocarbon is given. Based...
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If the processing time of each job in a flow-shop also depends on waiting time (or on the time spent prior to processing), then the choice of a sequence inf...
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Cette thèse a pour thème central l'optimisation de diverses opérations accomplies par une cellule flexible traitant le métal en feuilles. Les deux problèmes...
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In many manufacturing systems, parts must be fed to automatic machines in a specific orientation. This is often accomplished by what are known as part orien...
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There has been much recent statistical research in the area of inference under constraints. Here we consider the problem of bounded parameter estimation, in...
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This paper presents the first experiments undertaken with a stochastic programming model of gas contract portfolio management. This model is intended to be ...
BibTeX referenceOn Clar Graphs
A necessary and sufficient condition is given for the Clar graph and the inner dual of a benzenoid system to be equal. It is shown that <i>k ></i> 2 hexag...
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In a first attempt to explain the good behavior of local improvement heuristics (such as Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing) for the <i>k</i>-coloring prob...
BibTeX referenceThe Preference for Quality
We investigate here the problems raised by the demand for quality. In particular, we show that the (inverse) demand, which yields the price the consumers ar...
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