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3145 results — page 28 of 158
This paper addresses the problem of distributing uniformly infrared radiative energy intercepted by a thermoplastic sheet surface during the infrared radiati...
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Genetic algorithms are used for feature selection through a fitness function that drives the evolution of populations. With parallel universes, an importance...
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The eccentric connectivity
index of a connected graph \(G\)
is the sum over all vertices \(v\)
of the product \(d_G(v)e_G(v)\)
, where \(d_G(v)\)
is ...
We study an integrated process configuration, lot-sizing, and scheduling problem, which appears in a real production environment in the packaging industry. P...
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In this paper, we consider non-stationary response variables and covariates, where the marginal distributions and the associated copula may be time-dependent...
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We extend a quasi-Monte Carlo scheme designed for coagulation to the simulation of the
coagulation-fragmentation equation. A number \(N\)
of particles is ...
The eccentricity of a vertex \(v\)
in a graph \(G\)
is the maximum distance
between \(v\)
and any other vertex of \(G\)
. The diameter of a graph `(...
A graceful difference labeling (gdl for short) of a directed graph \(G\)
with vertex set \(V\)
is a bijection `(f:V\rightarrow{1,\ldots,\vert V\vert}...
Given a directed graph \(G=(V,A)\)
, capacity and cost functions on \(A\)
, a root \(r\)
, a subset \(T \subset V\)
of terminals, and an integer \(k\)
Equilibria in a two-species fishery
In this paper, we consider a two-species fishery model where the species can have different biological interactions, namely, competitive, symbiotic or prey...
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There has been a lot of interest recently on the energy efficiency and environmental impact of wireless networks. Given that the base stations are the netw...
BibTeX referenceA PCA-based approximation scheme for combinatorial optimization with uncertain and correlated data
This paper addresses combinatorial optimization problems under uncertain and correlated data where the mean-covariance information of the random data is assu...
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We consider the multivariate linear model for multilevel data where units are nested within a hierarchy of clusters. We propose permutation procedures to tes...
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We consider a two-stage stochastic discrete program in which some of the second stage constraints involve expectations that cannot be computed easily and a...
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We present a new strategic multi-period optimization problem for the siting of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. One main novelty in this problem is t...
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Smart homes have the potential to achieve optimal energy consumption with appropriate scheduling. It is expected that 35% of households in North America an...
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We address a three-level lot sizing and replenishment problem with a distribution structure (3LSPD), which is an extension of the one-warehouse multi-retaile...
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In the field of Automatic Programming (AP), the solution of a problem is a program, which is usually presented by a tree with a specific structure. This tree...
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Generally, the semiclosed-form option pricing formula for complex financial models depends on unobservable factors such as stochastic volatility and jump int...
BibTeX referencePrivacy-preserving classifiers recognize shared mobility behaviours from WiFi network imperfect data
This paper proves the concept that it is feasible to accurately recognize specific human mobility shared patterns, based solely on the connection logs betw...
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