3083 results — page 79 of 155

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This paper estimates a structural vector autoregression model to assess the dynamic effects of terrorism on output and prices in Israel over the post-1985 pe...

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Shared storage policy allows more flexible use of space than that allowed by the dedicated storage policy. This paper addresses duration-of-stay based shared...

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A polygon is said to be <i>simple</i> if the only points of the plane belonging to two of its edges are its vertices. We answer the question of finding, ...

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With the help of the Graffiti system, Fajtlowicz conjectured around 1992 that the average distance between two vertices of a connected graph <i>G</i> is at ...

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Methods, models, heuristic and exact algorithms for clustering are reviewed from a mathematical programming view point.

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The partial equilibrium technology rich global 15-region TIMES Integrated Assessment Model (TIAM) is used to assess climate policies in a very uncertain worl...

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A recent proof of NP-hardness of Euclidean sum-of-squares clustering, due to Drineas et al., <i>Machine Learning</i> 56, 9--33, 2004, is not valid. An altern...

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Le texte qui suit est un chapitre du livre intitulé <i>Fourmis artificielles, des bases algorithmiques aux concepts et réalisations avancés</i>, Nicolas Monm...

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Horizontal cooperation among franchisees is now a well-known reality in franchising, as exemplified by the growing number of franchisee associations and adve...

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Let <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?G=(V,E)"> be a simple, undirected graph of order <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?n"> and size <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cg...

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We develop an approximate analysis of an arbitrary size homogeneous unreliable transfer line under a CONWIP discipline. Mean total work in process computatio...

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This article addresses the problem of scheduling the replenishment of items to be delivered to multiple buyers from a single provider in order to minimize th...

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The problem of reducing the bandwidth of a matrix consists of finding a permutation of rows and columns of a given matrix that keeps the non-zero elements in...

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In this note we suggest a simple but efficient modification of the well-known Nelder-Mead (NM) simplex search method for unconstrained optimization. Instead ...

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In this paper, we evaluate the impact of the wireless channel and physical layer parameters on the performance of VoIP traffic in IEEE 802.11g networks. The ...

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We consider a duopolistic industry where the current sales of each firm is proportional to its goodwill stock. The evolution of the latter depends positivel...

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The hexagon and heptagon with unit diameter and maximum sum of Euclidean distances between vertices are determined by enumerating diameter configurations, an...

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This paper explores the dynamic properties of price-based policies in a model of competition between two jurisdictions. Jurisdictions invest over time in inf...

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The peak load is the maximum daily processing capacity requirement in a warehouse, and is an alternative criterion for the storage location assignment proble...

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The control synthesis problem for a class of linear time-delay systems with actuator saturation is investigated in this paper. The time delay is considered t...

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