3083 results — page 94 of 155

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The variable neighborhood search metaheuristic is applied to the primal simple plant location problem and to a reduced dual obtained by exploiting the compl...

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Most examples of cycling in the simplex method are given without explanation of how they were constructed. An exception is Beale’s 1955 example built around...

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An infinite-horizon differential game between a manufacturer and a retailer is con- sidered. The players control their marketing efforts and the sales share...

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In this paper, a solution approach based on the column generation technique is pre- sented for solving a time-indexed formulation of the total weighted tard...

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Estimation of the Pareto tail index from extreme order statistics is an important problem in many settings such as income distributions (for inequality meas...

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We consider vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems that involve a lexico- graphic bi-level objective function (for instance, minimizing first the numb...

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It is well known that each tree metric <i>M</i> has a unique realization as a tree, and that this realization minimizes the total length of the edges among ...

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The Holt-Klee Condition states that there exist at least <i>d</i> vertex-disjoint strictly monotone paths from the source to the sink of a polytopal digraph ...

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This paper examines the plant location problem under the objective of maximizing return-on-investment. However, in place of the standard assumption that all...

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Column generation is one of the most successful approaches for solving large scale linear programming problems. However, degeneracy difficulties and long-ta...

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Column generation has become a powerful tool in solving large scale integer programs. It is well known that most of the often reported compatibility issues ...

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Deheuvels (1981a,b,c) and Genest and Rémillard (2004) have shown that powerful rank tests of multivariate independence can be based on combinations of asymp...

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The multivariate modelling of default risk is a crucial aspect of the pricing of credit derivative products referencing a portfolio of underlying assets, an...

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Deheuvels proposed a rank test of independence based on a Cramér–von Mises functional of the empirical copula process. Using a general result on the asympto...

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Rank-based estimators were proposed by Clayton (1978) and Oakes (1982) for the association parameter in the bivariate gamma frailty model. The joint asympto...

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Several upper bounds on the largest Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph <i>G</i>, in terms of degree and average degree of neighbors of its vertices, have been ...

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The AutoGraphiX (AGX) system for computer assisted or, for some of its functions, fully automated graph theory was developed at GERAD, Montreal since 1997. ...

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This is the last part of a four-part survey of optimization models and solution algorithms for winter road maintenance planning. The two first parts of the ...

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Winter road maintenance planning involves a variety of decision-making problems related to the routing of vehicles for spreading chemicals and abrasives, fo...

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This paper considers a shift scheduling problem that includes different forms of flexibility in terms of shift starting times, break lengths and break plac...

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