Scientific Publications

5904 results — page 544 of 591

Operational vehicle routing within Hydro-Quebec's reverse logistics network 
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INCOM 2006 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 3, Saint-Étienne, France, 203–208, 2006 BibTeX reference
A proximal trust-region algorithm for column generation stabilization
Computers & Operations Research, 33(4), 910–927, 2006 BibTeX reference
Inverting the symmetrical beta distribution 
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 32(4), 509–520, 2006 BibTeX reference
Combining reverse logistics transport of hazardous material returns with distribution
INCOM 2006 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Saint-Étienne, France, 197–201, 2006 BibTeX reference
Control and optimization of hydrosulphite brightening for three-addition point process 
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Proceedings Control Systems 2006, 2006 BibTeX reference
Anniversary focused issue of Computers & Operations Research on Tabu search, computers & operations research
33(9), Elsevier, 327 pages, 2006 BibTeX reference
The maximal expected coverage relocation problem for emergency vehicles
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Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57(1), 22–28, 2006 BibTeX reference
Les TICE au service des formations universitaires. Un pari pour adapter l'Université aux réalités de demain
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GEOPOINT 2006, Demain la Géographie. Permanences, dynamiques, mutations : Pourquoi ? Comment ?, Groupe DUPONT, Université d'Avignon, France, 2006 BibTeX reference
A two-level computable equilibrium model to assess the strategic allocation of emission allowances within the European union
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Computers & Operations Research, 33(2), 369–385, 2006 BibTeX reference
Incentives for retailer promotion in a marketing channel
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Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games, 8, 365–378, 2006 BibTeX reference