Scientific Publications

5904 results — page 557 of 591

On the separator of fullerenes
S. Fajtlowicz, P.W. Fowler, P. Hansen, M.F. Janowitz, F.S. Roberts, DIMACS, Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Graph and Discovery, 365–370, 2005 BibTeX reference
Tabu search heuristics for the arc routing problem with intermediate facilities under capacity and length restrictions
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Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithm, 3, 209–223, 2005 BibTeX reference
Bilevel programming
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4OR: Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research Societies , 3, 87–107, 2005 BibTeX reference
Heuristic procedures for solving the discrete ordered median problem
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Annals of Operations Research, 136, 145–173, 2005 BibTeX reference
A practical algorithm for the shortest loop design problem in a block layout
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International Journal of Production Research, 43, 1839–1887, 2005 BibTeX reference
Recherche à voisinage variable de graphes extrémaux. 13. À propos de la maille
RAIRO-Operations Research, 39(4), 275–293, 2005 BibTeX reference
Credibility of incentive equilibrium strategies in linear-state differential games
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 126(2), 2005 BibTeX reference
Gestion de production et ressources humaines
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Méthodes de planification dans les systèmes productifs, Presses internationales de Polytechnique de Montréal, 299 pages, 2005 BibTeX reference
Design of balanced MBA student teams
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Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56, 60–66, 2005 BibTeX reference
Modeling and solving vehicle routing and arc routing problems
Eds Appa, G, Pitsoulis, l, Williams, HP, Handbook of Modeling and Discrete Optimization, Kluwer, Boston, 2005 BibTeX reference