Scientific Publications

6212 results — page 617 of 622

Agreeability and time consistency in linear-state differential-games
, , and
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 119(1), 49–63, 2003 BibTeX reference
Erratum to bounds in "Serial production/distribution systems under service constraints"
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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 5, 372–374, 2003 BibTeX reference
Exact solution of the generalized routing problem through graph-transformations
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(8), 906–910, 2003 BibTeX reference
Technology progress and technology acquisition: Strategic decision under uncertainty
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Production and Operations Management, 12(1), 102–119, 2003 BibTeX reference
Identification of all steady-states in large networks by logical analysis
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Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 65(6), 1025–1051, 2003 BibTeX reference
An oil pipeline design problem
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Operations Research, 51(2), 228–239, 2003 BibTeX reference
A MERGE model with endogenous technological progress
Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 8, 249–259, 2003 BibTeX reference
Incorporating different endogenous learning formulations in MERGE
International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 19, 333–358, 2003 BibTeX reference
Robust-tests for independence of 2 time-series
Statistica Sinica, 13(3), 827–852, 2003 BibTeX reference
A Tabu search heuristic for the static multivehicle dial-a-ride problem
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 37(6), 579–594, 2003 BibTeX reference