Scientific Publications

6211 results — page 621 of 622

, , and
Operations Research, 40(2), 342–354, 1992 BibTeX reference
, , and
European Journal of Operational Research, 54(1), 7–22, 1991 BibTeX reference
European Journal of Operational Research, 43(2), 143–160, 1989 BibTeX reference
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 11(1), 65–78, 1987 BibTeX reference
Mathematical Programming, 34(2), 142–162, 1986 BibTeX reference
, , and
Operations Research Letters, 2(6), 279–284, 1984 BibTeX reference
On the Global Asymptotic Stability of Equilibrium Solutions for Open-Loop Differential Games
Large Scale Systems in Information and Decision Technologies, 6(2), 107–122, 1984 BibTeX reference