Economy and finance


Cahiers du GERAD

187 results — page 5 of 10

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Most structural models for valuing corporate securities assume a geometric-Brownian motion to describe the firm's assets value. However, this does not reflec...

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Recently, two different copula-based approaches have been proposed to estimate the conditional quantile function of a variable \(Y\) with respect to a vect...

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Partially observed Mean Field Game (PO MFG) theory was introduced and developed in (Caines and Kizilkale, 2013, 2014, Şen and Caines 2014, 2015), where it i...

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We develop a general structural model for valuing risky corporate debts that takes into account both default and interest rate risk. We propose a two-dimensi...

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It is an established result in the literature that if the knowledge spillover between firms is sufficiently high, then R&D investments are higher when firm...

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We analyze a transboundary pollution differential game where pollution control is spatially distributed among a number of agents with predetermined spatial r...

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Lévy processes provide a solution to overcome the shortcomings of the lognormal hypothesis. A growing literature proposes the use of pure-jump Lévy processe...

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We consider a dynamic game with a corrupt government and multiple civil society organizations as the players. We characterize feedback Stackelberg equilibr...

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We propose the option realized variance as a new observable covariate that integrates high frequency option prices in the inference of option pricing models....

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Security prices are important inputs for estimating credit risk models. Yet, to obtain an accurate firm-specific credit risk assessment, one needs a reliable...

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We propose a dynamic program coupled with finite elements for valuing two-dimensional American-style options. To speed-up our procedure, we use parallel comp...

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One of the most complex early-exercise decisions faced by traders in the financial derivatives markets is with T-Bond futures, due to the combination of mu...

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The recent disappearance of a five-year-maturity gap from the set of Treasury bonds deliverable into the Chicago Board of Trade Treasury bond futures has res...

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For a Neoclassical growth model, exponential discounting is observationally equivalent to quasi-hyperbolic discounting, if the instantaneous discount rate ...

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Traditionally, claim counts and amounts are assumed to be independent in non-life insurance. This paper explores how this oft unwarranted assumption can be r...

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In order to determine the risk capital for their aggregate portfolio, property and casualty insurance companies must fit a multivariate model to the loss tri...

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In early 2001, the U.S. Department of the Treasury suspended the issuance of 30-year bonds, and then resumed issuing its long paper in early 2006. As a res...

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The Great Recession has shaken the foundations of the financial industry and led to tighter solvency monitoring of both the banking and insurance industries....

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Recent contributions to the financial econometrics literature exploit high-frequency (HF) data to improve models for daily asset returns. This paper propose...

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We introduce an efficient approach to evaluate counterparty risk and we compute the Credit Valuation Adjustement for derivatives having early exercise feat...

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