Energy, environment and natural resources


Cahiers du GERAD

337 results — page 5 of 17


This paper aims to identify the sources of value created in the strategic plan of a mining complex when the adaptive simultaneous stochastic optimization of ...

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Stope design optimization defines mineable three-dimensional material volumes to be extracted from a mineral deposit, aiming to maximize cashflows subject ...

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The geometallurgical models that predicting the throughput/comminution performance of the a processing plant often rely on rock hardness models, which are ba...

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The goal of the Encyclopedia of Optimization is to introduce the reader to a complete set of topics that sh...

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In this paper, we apply flexibility-based operational planning method to microgrid (MG) unit commitment (UC). The problem is formulated based on model predi...

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A new linear model is presented herein to optimize strategic production scheduling of an open pit mine with multiple processing streams while accounting for...

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Geostatistically simulated representations of mineral deposits are used for resource/reserve assessments, mine design and production planning, project evalua...

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Industrial mining complexes can be optimized using simultaneous stochastic optimization (SSO), which manages the risks associated with meeting production tar...

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This paper presents a new truck dispatching policy approach that is adaptive given different mining complex configurations in order to deliver supply materia...

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The existing technologies that update geostatistically simulated models of mineral deposits cannot self-learn from incoming new information generated in oper...

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A training-image free, high-order sequential simulation method is proposed herein, which is based on the efficient inference of high-order spatial statistics...

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This article presents a novel stochastic optimization model that simultaneously optimizes the short-term extraction sequence, shovel relocation, scheduling o...

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An innovative strategic mine planning approach is applied to a multi-mine and multi-process gold mining complex that simultaneously considers feasible capita...

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NOMAD is software for optimizing blackbox problems. In continuous development since 2001, it constantly evolved with the integration of new algorithmic...

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To satisfy a rising demand, agricultural practices have shifted from the organic fertilization of soils to intensive and highly specialized farming that uses...

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We empirically test the prediction of Pastor, stambaugh, and Taylor (2020) that green firms outperform brown firms when concerns about climate change increas...

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This paper presents an algorithm for the identification of parameters for a stochastic hot water end-use process that drives a homogeneous population of ther...

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Energy generation has always been a major stake in our economy and is all the more so with the increase in energy demand all over the world. In that context,...

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We consider the problem of a government that wishes to promote replacing old cars with new ones via a vehicle scrappage program. Since these programs incre...

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We consider a two-stage game in a differentiated duopoly, where firms can pursue both a financial and an environmental objective. We assume that the maximu...

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