Smart infrastructure (telecommunications, public transport, smart cities)


Cahiers du GERAD

333 results — page 7 of 17


We derive conditions on the functions \(\varphi\), \(\rho\), \(v\) and \(w\) such that the 0-1 fractional programming problem`(\max\limits_{x\in {0...

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Given a directed graph with weights on the vertices and on the arcs, a &theta;-improper <i>k</i>-coloring is an assignment of at most <i>k</i> different colo...

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This paper presents a decomposition approach for solving a variant of the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem, in which all connection requests a...

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Application of the dispersion models in order to address the cannibalization phenomenon within franchised chains is a new approach. In this work we have deve...

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Community detection in networks has been studied extensively in the last decade. Many criteria, expressing the quality of the partitions obtained, as well ...

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Reduced RLT constraints are a special class of Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT) constraints. They apply to nonconvex (both continuous and mixed-...

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Given a set of entities, cluster analysis aims at finding subsets, also called clusters or communities or modules, entities of which are homogeneous and well...

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Finding clusters, or communities, in a graph, or network is a very important problem which arises in many domains. Several models were proposed for its solu...

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Le secteur économique du transport aérien de passagers est soumis à de fortes contraintes dues aux nouveaux acteurs dans le domaine qui tendent les prix vers...

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The MaxSumSum (maximum diversity) problem consists of the selection of <i>p</i> facilities among <i>n</i> candidate locations in a way that the total sum ...

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Dispersion problems consist of the selection of a fixed number of vertices from a given set so that some function of the distances among the vertices is maxi...

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Current network planning and design methods use the average delay, packet loss and throughput as metrics to optimize the network cost and performance. New...

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We present ACRE, an Automatic aspeCt cREator, to use aspect-oriented programming to test multi-platform software programs written in C++. ACRE allows devel...

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We introduce a signless Laplacian for the distance matrix of a connected graph, called the <i>distance signless Laplacian</i>. We study the <i>distance signl...

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We introduce a Laplacian for the distance matrix of a connected graph, called the <i>distance Laplacian</i> and we study its spectrum. We show the equivalenc...

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In 1956, Nordhaus and Gaddum gave lower and upper bounds on the sum and the product of the chromatic number of a graph and its complement, in terms of the or...

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Modularity maximization is extensively used to detect communities in complex networks. It has been shown however that this method suffers from a resolution l...

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We study the problem of packing equal circles in a square from the mathematical programming point of view. We discuss different formulations, we analyse fo...

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In a recent paper, Zhan, Zhang, Guan, and Zhou [Phys. Rev. E <b>83</b>, 066120 (2011)] presented a modified adaptive genetic algorithm (MAGA) tailored to the...

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In chemical graph theory, many graph parameters, or topological indices, were proposed as estimators of molecular structural properties. Often several varian...

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