Smart logistics (schedule design, supply chains, logistics, manufacturing systems)


Cahiers du GERAD

774 results — page 37 of 39

Location-routing problems involve simultaneously locating a number of facilities among candidate sites and establishing delivery routes to a set of users in ...

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This paper considers a vehicle routing problem with full loads and time limit constraints. This problem can be formulated as an asymmetrical travelling sale...

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Hydraulic turbine runners are used in electricity generation. These consist of a cylinder around which are welded, at regular spacings, a number of blades w...

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In this paper the authors describe a heuristic principle for the solution of an important class of problems. Using real-world examples, it is then shown how...

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Post box collection constitutes a complex and costly operation in most postal services. The authors recently undertook a study aimed at improving this opera...

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This article examines a constrained shortest path problem which occurs in the design by column generation of vehicle routes constructed to satisfy a set of t...

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This paper describes a vehicle flow model for a two-echelon location-routing problem involving deliveries from primary to secondary facilities and from secon...

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The aim of this paper is to develop an exact algorithm for the asymmetrical distance constrained vehicle routing problem. The problem is solved by means of ...

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The single-vehicle dial-a-ride problem with time window constraints for both pick-up and delivery locations, and precedence and capacity constraints, is solv...

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This paper describes an exact algorithm for a general class of asymmetrical vehicle routing problems. Vehicle routes start and end at a central depot. Visi...

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Let n facilities be located on a bounded linear market and assume that demand for a homogenous commodity is uniformly distributed along that market. Initial...

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This paper presents an exact algorithm for a generalized version of the Travelling Salesman Problem which consists of finding the shortest Hamiltonian cirnui...

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This paper describes an exact algorithm for the asymmetrical multiple travelling salesman problem. The problem is solved by branch and bound and a flow circ...

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Cet article traite d'un problème de plus court chemin sous contraintes. Il s'agit du chemin d'un véhicule complétant un sous-ensemble de demandes de transpo...

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This paper deals with the optimal location of post boxes in an urban or in a rural environment. The problem consists of selecting sites for post boxes which...

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This paper presents an integer linear programming formulation for the symmetrical capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). This formulation includes degr...

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Cet article décrit dive3rs types d'horaires de travail en vigueur dans les entreprises et les services publics, ainsi que les principales méthodes de recherc...

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This paper examines a family of permutation problems on 0-1 matrices. These problems arise in scheduling and in archaeological seriation. Three exact algor...

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This paper presents a survey of exact algorithms for various types of vehicle routing problems. Algorithms are divided into three main categories: direct s...

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Le présent article décrit des méthodes algorithmiques de traitement des exigences rigides et souples dans certains problèmes complexes d'optimisation combina...

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